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Integrated and Applied Sciences, Ph.D.

Saint Louis University's Integrated and Applied Sciences (IAS) Ph.D. 杜瓦西健康科学学院开设健康与康复科学专业. 这个项目让学生接触到健康和康复科学领域, encourages collaboration across programs, departments and academic units, 并为向广泛和不同的受众展示研究提供了机会.

Program Highlights

本课程培养学生成为学术领域的学者和研究人员, clinical research, and/or practice settings. 它允许学生将自己的研究领域与生物学的跨学科课程相结合, behavioral, psychosocial and environmental aspects of human health.

学生专注于健康和康复科学学科内容领域,与他们的教师导师正在进行的研究相一致. Currently available areas of study are:

  • Athletic training
  • Clinical health sciences
  • Nutrition and dietetics
  • Occupational science and occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Speech, language and hearing sciences

Curriculum Overview


The distribution of courses is determined on an individual basis. 学生和他们的导师制定一个适当的课程轨道,随后由项目主任和管理委员会进行审查和反馈, when appropriate. A typical coursework structure is detailed below. 要回顾在Doisy健康科学学院正在进行的研究,请访问我们的 research page.

  • HSCI 6220 Foundations of Scholarly Excellence - 2 credits
  • Research Courses - 6 credits
  • HSCI 6980 Independent Study - 1 credit
  • HSCI 6990 Dissertation Research - 12 credits
  • Courses specific to the student's concentration (21 credits)


这个研究密集型的博士课程培养学生在制药行业的职业, health care, and biochemical industries, as well as in academia. 

Admission Requirements

成功的申请人至少拥有一个认可的大学的学士学位, 公认的学院或大学在一个学科相关的综合和应用科学的研究教师导师. 学生被要求在进入该项目之前主动识别并与研究与学生兴趣一致的教师导师建立关系. To review the research being done in DCHS, please visit our Doisy Research page.

Application Requirements

  • Identification of and an established relationship with a faculty mentor
  • Application form and fee
  • Transcript(s)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Professional goals statement

Requirements for International Students

所有国内学生的博彩网址大全政策和要求适用于国际学生. 国际学生还必须满足以下额外要求:

  • Demonstrate English Language Proficiency
  • 财务文件需要完成博彩网址大全申请,并被审查博彩网址大全和优秀奖学金. 
  • Proof of financial support that must include:
    • 由资助该学生在博彩网址大全学习的个人或赞助机构出具的经济支持信
    • 保荐人银行出具的证明资金到位的信函,证明在学生在大学学习期间资金到位
  • Academic records, in English translation, 在美国以外接受高等教育的学生必须包括:
    • Courses taken and/or lectures attended
    • Practical laboratory work
    • The maximum and minimum grades attainable
    • The grades earned or the results of all end-of-term examinations
    • Any honors or degrees received.

WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.

Review Process

国际会计准则项目主管审查所有申请材料的完整性. 完整的申请将被转发给确定的教师导师进行审查和录取考虑. 然后,项目主任向学生传达录取决定以及下一步的描述. The faculty mentor is copied on all admissions communications.  


Tuition Cost Per Credit
Graduate Tuition $1,370

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships, Assistantships and Financial Aid 

确定研究领域和合格教师导师的学生可以进入IAS博士学位.D. 侧重于健康和康复科学,以滚动为基础. 每学年提供有限数量的研究研究生助学金. 助学金和奖学金提供津贴,可能包括健康保险和奖学金期间的学费奖学金. 

  1. 毕业生将通过智力探究和反思,展示对健康科学独立和互动方面的理解.
  2. 毕业生将展示设计和实施健康科学研究的能力,在应用伦理科学探究/行为原则的同时推进知识.
  3. 毕业生将展示翻译研究成果的能力,并将其传达给各种受众进行有效传播.
  4. 毕业生将阐明一个有影响力的学术领导计划的长期轨迹,这将支持一个成功的职业道路.


Required Courses
HSCI 6220Foundations of Scholarly Excellence2
HSCI 6980Independent Study1
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Concentration
Dissertation Research12
HSCI 6990
Dissertation Research (taken over multiple semesters)
Total Credits42

Non-Course Requirements

Assuming successful completion of oral and written comprehensive exams, students typically complete the Ph.D. program in four years. Students entering the program with an appropriate M.S. degree may complete the program in less time, 再次假设成功完成口头和书面综合考试.

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.


Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Program of Study-specific course 3
Research course specific to Program of Study 3
Program of Study-specific course 3
Research course specific to Program of Study 3
HSCI 6980 Independent Study 1
Year Two
Program of Study-specific courses 9
Program of Study-specific course 3
HSCI 6220 Foundations of Scholarly Excellence 2
HSCI 6990 Dissertation Research 0
Year Three
HSCI 6990 Dissertation Research 3
Program of Study-specific course 3
HSCI 6990 Dissertation Research 3
HSCI 6990 Dissertation Research 0
Year Four
HSCI 6990 Dissertation Research 3
HSCI 6990 Dissertation Research 3
 Total Credits42

Program Notes


Contact Doisy College of Health Sciences
Recruitment specialist