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Nutrition and Dietetics, M.S.

博彩网址大全的营养和营养学研究生课程培养学生的能力, 富有同情心的饮食专家. 博彩网址大全's nutrition and dietetics department offers a Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics that can be customized to your interest with the following options:

Dietetic Internship (DI)

此外,该部门提供了一个 dietetic internship program 获得营养与营养学理学硕士学位,分为四个专业:

  • Culinary entrepreneurship
  • Nutrition therapy
  • Medical pediatric nutrition
  • 营养和体能

实习结束后, students will receive their master’s degree and are eligible to sit for the national registration exam. The dietetic internship is currently granted accreditation status by the 营养及营养学教育认可委员会(ACEND). Beginning in late June, with two online courses, 实习计划提供至少1个,在圣路易斯市的各种卫生保健机构进行了000小时的有监督的实习. Louis and surrounding areas. 博彩网址大全营养学实习大约有15个轮岗. Each rotation lasts one to three weeks and focuses on an aspect of dietetics practice related to a specific disease/condition, 生命周期阶段或人口群体. 

博彩网址大全营养学实习每年招收34名实习生. 申请人可申请一个或所有实习集中领域. Applicants should submit only one DICAS application regardless of whether they are applying to one or all concentrations, 但每个专业都需要单独的个人陈述信.



Program Philosophy

博彩网址大全的研究生营养项目促进自主学习, 职业发展的自我评估, 以及合作机会,为毕业生在该领域的新兴工作做好准备. The mission of 博彩网址大全's MS-DI program is to prepare our graduates to assume entry-level positions as RDNs in the provision of evidence-based care with diverse patient populations.

The mission of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics is to "thrive in a community that promotes and seeks truth about food and nutrition. Woven into the fabric of this community are multifaceted educational pursuits to promote a food-centered culture for health and wellness, 学术探索和对我们所处的全球和生态社区的欣赏.“作为一个部门,我们努力以我们的 core values of food-first nutrition, evidence-based science, creativity and innovation, hospitable culture, 跨学科和社区合作, 食物和环境正义.

Curriculum Overview

博彩网址大全's graduate nutrition and dietetics curriculum builds upon a strong foundation in the sciences and includes unique aspects such as the investigation of nutrition topics in the media, 民族饮食模式的研究和实践经验. 课程包括课堂、实验室和社区体验.

学生可以在任何硕士专业中进行全日制或非全日制学习. 然而,MS-DI项目不允许兼职学习.


The primary goal of this dual-degree program 是准备营养专家在许多类型的公共卫生和志愿机构工作, 以及医疗保健和教育环境. 毕业生主修公共卫生和营养学,并具有设计能力, organize, 指导和评估公共卫生部门的营养干预项目. 有兴趣的申请人必须分别向营养及饮食学系及 公共卫生和社会正义学院.


博彩网址大全's graduate medical nutrition and nutrition and physical performance concentrations are thesis degree programs where students are required to dedicate multiple semesters to focus on research, data collection, 数据分析和书面论文. 研究生营养烹饪创业集中是一个非论文,顶点项目.


拥有RD/RDN证书的毕业生可以作为临床营养师工作, sports dietitian, 研究营养师和社区营养师. 毕业生也可以成为厨师/认证厨师, food technologist, food journalist, nutrition educator/counselor, food and nutrition entrepreneur, food service manager, food scientist and much more.

Admission Requirements

大多数被营养和营养学研究生课程录取的学生的GPA都高于平均水平, 足够的GRE成绩(可选), 和足够的托福成绩(国际申请者).

Application Requirements

M.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics

  • Application form and fee
  • Transcript(s): All international students who did not attend school within the United States must have their transcripts evaluated by either the Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) or World Education Services (WES).
  • Three letters of recommendation: Two letters should be from college professors/instructors and one should be from a work supervisor. 填写申请表格时, 学生必须包括每个参考的姓名和电子邮件地址. 这将启动一个电子邮件消息,要求在线完成参考表格.
  • GRE Scores (optional)
  • Résumé
  • Interview
  • 职业目标陈述:包括职业兴趣的个人陈述, concentration intended to study, goals, personal attributes, etc.

Dietetic Internship

  • A bachelor's degree from a college or university with a verification statement from an accredited didactic program in dietetics, or DPD, prior to enrollment. 
  • Three letters of recommendation. 两份应该来自大学教授/导师,一份应该来自工作主管. Please choose professors/supervisors who can adequately assess your abilities to perform in a dietetic internship and as a registered dietitian. 在填写申请表时,您必须包括每个推荐人的姓名和电子邮件地址. 这将启动一个电子邮件消息,要求在线完成参考表格. Students submitting more than one application will need to use the same individuals as references for each application.
  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended should be sent to: DICAS - Transcript Dept.,邮政信箱9118,沃特敦,马萨诸塞州02472. 它们将被扫描并包含在您的在线申请中.
  • 一份个人陈述,包括职业兴趣、目标、个人特质等. 让你成为博彩网址大全营养学实习的好候选人, 以及你想学习哪个专业. A separate personal statement is required for each concentration and should be uploaded to the supplemental materials section in the DICAS application. DICAS将要求个人陈述不超过1000字.

申请人亦须在网上登记,以进行电脑配对 D&D Digital 在晚上11点59分前选出营养实习的优先选择.m. 在网上公布的截止日期. 需要支付50美元的电脑配对费. 

Please use the following D&D Digital codes when applying:

  • Medical/nutrition therapy: 170
  • Medical/pediatric: 169
  • 营养和体能:168
  • Culinary entrepreneurship: 750


电话面试可由遴选委员会的一名或多名成员进行. 面试将持续20至30分钟,涵盖以下主题:

  • 不同的角色在营养学和实践领域
  • 你对成为营养师的兴趣和你的职业目标
  • 你对这次实习的期望
  • 这些特质使你成为我们项目的有力候选人

Additional information regarding the phone interview process will be provided to applicants upon receipt of the application.

营养学实习和研究生项目的申请是分开的. The application for the graduate program should be initiated after the applicant has been accepted into the internship. 研究生项目申请费为40美元. The graduate program application can be completed online.

申请人配对结果将于 D&D Digital on appointment day. 这是申请人的唯一通知来源. 每位申请人在登录后将获得一次配对或不配对. All applicants who receive one match will find the matched DI program name and contact information to accept the appointment. Matched applicants must contact the DI program on notification or appointment day 确认接受比赛. 不应与任何其他DI计划安排.

Matched applicants to the 博彩网址大全 dietetic internship must contact the Dietetic Internship Director Rabia Rahman by email at 确认接受比赛. 在此之后,该项目没有义务为匹配的申请人保留职位.

Final transcripts, DPD verification and the dietetic internship admission fee must be submitted prior to beginning the internship program.


所有国内学生的博彩网址大全政策和要求适用于国际学生. 国际学生还必须满足以下额外要求:

  • Demonstrate English-language proficiency
  • Financial documents are required to complete an application for admission and be reviewed for admission and merit scholarships. 
  • 经济支持证明必须包括: 
    • A letter of financial support from the person(s) or sponsoring agency funding the student's time at Saint Louis University
    • A letter from the sponsor's bank verifying that the funds are available and will be so for the duration of the student's study at the University
  • Academic records, in English translation, 在美国以外接受高等教育的学生必须包括: 
    • 参加的课程和/或讲座
    • Practical laboratory work
    • 可达到的最高和最低分数
    • 所有期末考试的成绩或结果
    • Any honors or degrees received.

WES and ECE transcripts required.


Students applying to the MS-Dietetic Internship program should follow the application deadlines set forth by DICAS and D&D Digital. 如果申请我们的研究生课程在任何其他非营养学实习集中,美国.S. 学生应在7月1日前申请秋季学期. 国际学生应于5月1日前申请秋季学期. 想要申请助学金的学生应该在3月31日之前申请.

Review Process



Tuition Cost Per Credit
Graduate Tuition $1,370

Additional charges may apply. 其他资源如下:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Program-Specific Additional Costs


Description Amount
Tuition 出版时,每学时1130美元. 请参阅上面的链接以获取大多数最新信息.
Living Expenses Off-Campus $7,000 - $9,500(这个数字因居住地点而异). Louis)
Drug Screen/ Background Check $105
Immunization Fees and TB Testing $85 - $150
Internship Fee $100
州/全国饮食会议的登记、出席、交通 $250 - $400
Transportation Costs $1,500(根据居住地点和到博彩网址大全的距离而定)
Parking Costs
Misc. (Lab coats, texts, etc.) $350
Health Insurance $909 per semester
预计总费用(包括学费) 15个月的课程费用为43,969- 48,714美元

Scholarships and Financial Aid

优先考虑研究生奖学金,请在2月6日之前申请. 1. 



Saint Louis University's MS-DI program is accredited by the 营养及营养学教育认可委员会(ACEND), 营养与饮食学会的认证机构.

Chicago, Illinois 60606-6995
312-899-0040 ext. 5400

项目成果数据可应要求提供. 请联系项目主任拉比亚·拉赫曼

  1. 毕业生将能够展示与营养相关的、以客户为中心的沟通技巧.
  2. 毕业生将能够在客户的营养护理方面表现出同情心.
  3. Graduates will be able to evidence counseling methods to facilitate changes in nutrition-related behaviors.
  4. Graduates will be able to demonstrate professional attributes of a nutrition and dietetics professional in a variety of settings.
  5. Graduates will be able to evaluate emerging research for application in nutrition and dietetics practice.

Students in Saint Louis University's nutrition and dietetics graduate program take the following courses. 

DIET 5100人体营养学:生理学与代谢13
DIET 5130人体营养学:生理学与代谢23
DIET 5350Innovation in Dietetics Practice3
Choose a Concentration:25-28
Total Credits34-37

Continuation Standards



DIET 5040Edible Wild Foods3
DIET 5070Culinary Medicine3
DIET 5750Gastronomy3
DIET 5900Culinary Practicum4
DIET 5960营养顶点课程(多学期学习)3
MGT 6200New Venture Initiation3
MGT 6210高级商业计划-新企业3
DIET Elective3
DIET 5300
Community Nutrition
or DIET 5550
Nutr. & Physical Performance
Total Credits25


DIET 5040Edible Wild Foods3
DIET 5070Culinary Medicine3
DIET 5750Gastronomy3
DIET 5910营养学实习(分多个学期,8学分)2-4
DIET 5960营养学顶点课程(选修多个学期,获得4个学分)1-4
MGT 6200New Venture Initiation3
MGT 6210高级商业计划-新企业3
Total Credits27

Nutrition Therapy Concentration

DIET 5070Culinary Medicine3
DIET 5480营养教育与咨询3
DIET 5870营养学研究研讨会(只收论文)1
ORES 5010健康结果生物统计学导论3
ORES 5300成果研究基础13
Select one of the following:
DIET 5040
Edible Wild Foods
DIET 5300
Community Nutrition
DIET 5550
Nutr. & Physical Performance
Select two of the following:
DIET 5030
Sustainable Food Systems
DIET 5060
DIET 5210
Pediatric Nutrition
DIET 5750
Research Requirements6
DIET 5990
Total Credits28


ORES 5010健康结果生物统计学导论3
ORES 5100Research Methods in Health & Medicine3
DIET 5480营养教育与咨询3
DIET 5910营养学实习(多学期)8
DIET 5960营养顶点课程(多学期学习)4
Choose one of the below:
DIET 5030
Sustainable Food Systems
DIET 5060
DIET 5210
Pediatric Nutrition
DIET 5750
Choose one of the below:
DIET 5040
Edible Wild Foods
DIET 5300
Community Nutrition
DIET 5550
Nutr. & Physical Performance
Total Credits27


DIET 5480营养教育与咨询3
DIET 5550Nutr. & Physical Performance3
DIET 5690Bioenergetics of Exercise3
DIET 5700运动测试及处方3
DIET 5870营养学研究研讨会(只收论文)1
ORES 5010健康结果生物统计学导论3
ORES 5300成果研究基础13
Select one of the following:
DIET 5030
Sustainable Food Systems
DIET 5060
DIET 5210
Pediatric Nutrition
DIET 5750
Research Requirements
DIET 5990论文研究(分多个学期,共6小时)1-4
Total Credits28


DIET 5550Nutr. & Physical Performance3
DIET 5690Bioenergetics of Exercise3
DIET 5700运动测试及处方3
DIET 5910营养学实习(多学期)8
DIET 5960Nutrition Capstone4
ORES 5010健康结果生物统计学导论3
ORES 5300成果研究基础13
Total Credits27


DIET 5210Pediatric Nutrition3
DIET 5480营养教育与咨询3
DIET 5910营养学实习(多学期)8
DIET 5960营养顶点课程(多学期学习)4
ORES 5010健康结果生物统计学导论3
ORES 5100Research Methods in Health & Medicine3
Choose One of the Following:
DIET 5040
Edible Wild Foods
DIET 5300
Community Nutrition
DIET 5550
Nutr. & Physical Performance
Total Credits27

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

指定为关键的课程和里程碑(用 !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. 转移学分可能会改变路线图.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.


Plan of Study Grid
Year One
DIET 5070 Culinary Medicine 3
DIET 5100 人体营养学:生理学与代谢1 3
DIET 5960 Nutrition Capstone 2
MGT 6200 New Venture Initiation 3
DIET 5130 人体营养学:生理学与代谢2 3
DIET 5750 Gastronomy 3
DIET 5900 Culinary Practicum 4
DIET 5960 Nutrition Capstone 1
MGT 6210 高级商业计划-新企业 3
Year Two
DIET 5040 Edible Wild Foods 3
DIET 5350 Innovation in Dietetics Practice 3
DIET 5300
or DIET 5550
Community Nutrition
or Nutr. & Physical Performance
 Total Credits34


Plan of Study Grid
Year One
DIET 5070 Culinary Medicine 3
DIET 5100 人体营养学:生理学与代谢1 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 2
DIET 5960 Nutrition Capstone 2
MGT 6200 New Venture Initiation 3
DIET 5130 人体营养学:生理学与代谢2 3
DIET 5750 Gastronomy 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 2
DIET 5960 Nutrition Capstone 2
MGT 6210 高级商业计划-新企业 3
DIET 5040 Edible Wild Foods 3
DIET 5350 Innovation in Dietetics Practice 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 4
 Total Credits36

Nutrition Therapy Concentration

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
DIET 5100 人体营养学:生理学与代谢1 3
DIET 5990 Thesis Research 1
ORES 5300 成果研究基础1 3
DIET 5130 人体营养学:生理学与代谢2 3
DIET 5990 Thesis Research 2
Choose one of the following: 3
DIET 5030
Sustainable Food Systems (also offered in summer)  
DIET 5060
DIET 5210
Pediatric Nutrition  
DIET 5750
DIET 5350 Innovation in Dietetics Practice 3
ORES 5010 健康结果生物统计学导论 3
Choose one of the following: 3
DIET 5040
Edible Wild Foods  
DIET 5300
Community Nutrition  
DIET 5550
Nutr. & Physical Performance  
Year Two
DIET 5480 营养教育与咨询 3
DIET 5070 Culinary Medicine 3
DIET 5990 Thesis Research 1
DIET 5870 Seminar in Dietetics Research 1
DIET 5990 Thesis Research 2
Choose one of the following: 3
DIET 5030
Sustainable Food Systems  
DIET 5060
DIET 5210
Pediatric Nutrition  
DIET 5750
 Total Credits37


Plan of Study Grid
Year One
ORES 5010 健康结果生物统计学导论 3
ORES 5100 Research Methods in Health & Medicine 3
DIET 5100 人体营养学:生理学与代谢1 3
DIET 5480 营养教育与咨询 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 3
DIET 5960 Nutrition Capstone 2
DIET 5130 人体营养学:生理学与代谢2 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 3
DIET 5960 Nutrition Capstone 2
DIET 5030
or DIET 5060
or DIET 5210
or DIET 5750
Sustainable Food Systems
or Pediatric Nutrition
or Gastronomy
Year Two
DIET 5350 Innovation in Dietetics Practice 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 2
DIET 5040
or DIET 5300
or DIET 5550
Edible Wild Foods
or Community Nutrition
or Nutr. & Physical Performance
 Total Credits36


Plan of Study Grid
Year One
DIET 5690 Bioenergetics of Exercise 3
DIET 5990 Thesis Research 1
ORES 5300 成果研究基础1 3
DIET 5700 运动测试及处方 3
DIET 5990 Thesis Research 2
DIET 5030
or DIET 5060
or DIET 5210
or DIET 5750
Sustainable Food Systems
or Pediatric Nutrition
or Gastronomy
DIET 5350 Innovation in Dietetics Practice 3
DIET 5550 Nutr. & Physical Performance 3
ORES 5010 健康结果生物统计学导论 3
Year Two
DIET 5100 人体营养学:生理学与代谢1 3
DIET 5480 营养教育与咨询 3
DIET 5990 Thesis Research 1
DIET 5130 人体营养学:生理学与代谢2 3
DIET 5870 Seminar in Dietetics Research 1
DIET 5990 Thesis Research 2
 Total Credits37


Plan of Study Grid
Year One
ORES 5100 Research Methods in Health & Medicine 3
ORES 5010 健康结果生物统计学导论 3
DIET 5100 人体营养学:生理学与代谢1 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 3
DIET 5690 Bioenergetics of Exercise 3
DIET 5960 Nutrition Capstone 2
DIET 5130 人体营养学:生理学与代谢2 3
DIET 5700 运动测试及处方 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 3
DIET 5960 Nutrition Capstone 2
Year Two
DIET 5350 Innovation in Dietetics Practice 3
DIET 5550 Nutr. & Physical Performance 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 2
 Total Credits36


Plan of Study Grid
Year One
ORES 5100 Research Methods in Health & Medicine 3
ORES 5010 健康结果生物统计学导论 3
DIET 5100 人体营养学:生理学与代谢1 3
DIET 5480 营养教育与咨询 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 3
DIET 5960 Nutrition Capstone 2
DIET 5130 人体营养学:生理学与代谢2 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 3
DIET 5210 Pediatric Nutrition 3
DIET 5960 Nutrition Capstone 2
Year Two
DIET 5350 Innovation in Dietetics Practice 3
DIET 5910 Dietetic Internship 2
DIET 5040
or DIET 5300
or DIET 5550
Edible Wild Foods
or Community Nutrition
or Nutr. & Physical Performance
 Total Credits36

Apply for Admission

Recruitment specialist

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