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博彩网址大全支持者:Mary Bruemmer

When asked why she gives to Saint Louis University, Mary Bruemmer’s answer is simple. “我为什么不呢??布鲁默被这个问题震惊了. “这是我的母校!”

Indeed, to Bruemmer, the thought of not giving to 博彩网址大全 is unimaginable – so much so that the 1942 graduate has given to the University for at least 43 consecutive years. 那 makes her one of the longest-standing members of the 忠于博彩网址大全社会, which honors those true-blue donors who make a financial contribution to 博彩网址大全 in 连续财政年度.

Mary Bruemmer seated with 博彩网址大全 President Fred Pestello and Father Chris Collins after a ceremony

斯坦福大学校长弗雷德·佩斯特洛博士.D.玛丽·布鲁默(Mary Bruemmer)和Fr. 克里斯·柯林斯,前 special assistant to the president for mission and identity.

“I loved 博彩网址大全 from the beginning: I loved the people, the whole atmosphere. 我适合这里. I surprised my family, the sisters, my parish,” Bruemmer said, thinking back to when she started classes at 博彩网址大全 in 1938 – a time when many 女性 from her hometown of Madison, Illinois, did not go to college and only 5% of the 博彩网址大全 student body was made up of 女性. Little did she know, her undergrad years were only the beginning of her 博彩网址大全 故事.

Bruemmer’s trailblazing reputation followed her throughout her four years at the University as she excelled in class and earned top positions at the U. News和Fleur-de-Lis 文学杂志. By the end of her college career, 博彩网址大全 offered her a job as its 第一届女院长. Feeling the need for more life experience, Bruemmer turned the 工作.

“我说,‘女院长?! 那 should be an older woman who knows how to have parties ’”布鲁默回忆道.

She went on to have a colorful career, beginning at the Red Cross and then moving to Springfield, Illinois, where she took turns at jobs including a Catholic youth organization, a radio station, in publicity for organizations such as the Springfield public library and the Springfield Symphony Orchestra. 她会继续拒绝 the dean of 女性 position another time before agreeing to a new role as the director of Marguerite Hall, 博彩网址大全’s first official residence hall for 女性, in 1956. 那份工作 marked the beginning of a career at 博彩网址大全 that would span decades.

Bruemmer did eventually accept the role as dean of 女性 in 1967, followed by positions as the University’s first dean of students and then in advancement to work with alumni 和捐助者. But that’s not all: She also founded the University’s 妇女委员会 并建议其 军旗 spirit organization, as well as its chapter of Alpha Sigma Nu. 即使退休后 in 1990, Bruemmer continued coming to campus every day as a full-time volunteer. 所有 the while, she became a beloved figure at the University, going out of her way to make newcomers feel welcome and support students in any way she could.

One of those many ways was through her generosity, making sure to make a financial 每年给博彩网址大全的礼物. One such case was when students were looking to start an ability exhibit to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities.

“我听说学生们想要这个项目. 他们的老师告诉了我这件事 they were unable to get [the funding] from their dean, so I just decided I would make 这是可能的,”玛丽回忆道. 自2010年成立以来, 包容联盟:能力展示 has grown and traveled to dozens of colleges and universities throughout the U.S.

Bruemmer also worked to help students who fell on hard times. 其中一种情况是 when a student came from India to study nutrition at 博彩网址大全, with a goal of eventually 回到她的祖国教书. 当学生遇到意想不到的障碍时 upon her arrival, Bruemmer made sure she received the financial assistance she needed 让她在博彩网址大全接受教育成为可能.

Bruemmer recalls how amazing it felt to see the student succeed after graduating from 博彩网址大全. “The day that woman picked up the phone and took a job in Texas, I just couldn’t 相信我们做到了,”她说.

Bruemmer even started a scholarship in 2018 to support tomorrow’s teachers. 已知的 as the Mary Bruemmer Endowed Education Scholarship, it provides assistance to full-time 博彩网址大全的本科生 教育学院, with a focus particularly on students minoring in Catholic education. 一个教育 major herself, Mary discovered while she was student-teaching that classroom teaching 不是为了她. But she never forgot the importance of resources for education.

“I want any student from grade school on who wants to be a teacher [to] have encouragement 如果可能的话,以货币的形式,”布鲁默说. 她见证了教育的价值 firsthand in her own family, where she said education became a kind of hallmark. 她的 brothers both earned education degrees, her parents, while students only until 8th grade, had beautiful handwriting and encouraged the same from their children.

“Although I decided I did not want to teach, I did not for five minutes forget the importance of providing money when I could for that reason,” Bruemmer said. 奖学金 has benefited three students each academic year since its inception.

As she nears her 100th birthday, Bruemmer’s love and generosity toward all areas of 博彩网址大全并没有停止.

“I guess the mere fact that I kept going forward and finding something new and interesting was key to wanting to give more to the students,” Bruemmer said, thinking back on the journey she’d taken throughout her education and career. 她鼓励别人 who want to help to consider specific ways in which students’ needs are not being 仅仅因为缺乏资金而相遇.

For more information about the 忠于博彩网址大全社会, please email stewardship@fc-daudenzell.com 或致电314-977-1215. 不确定你是不是会员? 搜索 捐款者荣誉榜 寻找你的名字.