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在我们的大街上恢复正常. 路易校园


Dear University community members:

As we enjoy the beautiful spring weather, University teams are developing plans to return to the more extensive human connection that makes an on-campus Saint Louis University experience a life-changing one. 

We have already implemented plans for in-person pre-commencement ceremonies and loosened some other restrictions on campus.

In light of the broad vaccine availability that promises to only get better, we have begun planning for as normal a 秋天 semester as possible, where we are back to operating 主要是面对面的. We envision full classrooms and labs, in-person study groups, advising, guest lectures, events, retreats, concerts and other typical campus social 聚会.

In order to achieve this, near-universal vaccination adoption among our campus community 成员是关键. Our goal remains to keep the campus as safe as possible. 在这 point that means achieving what public health professionals call “herd immunity” at 博彩网址大全.

Widespread vaccine adoption on our St. Louis campuses will position us to implement 最新CDC和St. Louis City Health Department guidance, anticipated to come later 今年夏天. We expect such guidance to reduce or eliminate the public safeguards for vaccinated people — and, possibly, all of campus. 

We know this news will raise a lot of questions for members of our community. 教师 may want to start making changes to schedules and course modalities right away. 请 先不要开始改变. I ask for your patience with us as we formulate and 实施我们的计划. 

As the Provost announced earlier this semester, we have a working group of faculty, students, staff developing recommendations for the kinds of changes that will get us as close to normal as possible next 秋天. And other working groups are being established to ensure we’re making the changes needed for in-person events and activities, to explore ways to increase vaccine uptake, more.

Just as we did last spring and summer as we prepared to return to campus, we will continue to consult with students, staff and faculty every step of the way. 

As with everything we have faced with this pandemic, the road ahead is likely to be bumpy, getting back to normal will take some time. 例如,课程模式 2021年秋季上市 课程时间表 look a lot like 秋天 2020, but we expect that to change as we plan for a more normal 秋天. When will we know which course modalities will change? 这一切意味着什么 for staff returning to work on campus? What does it mean for faculty who need to continue 网上教学? What does it mean for students who are unable to get back to St. 路易斯明年秋天? 这些 are all essential questions on which we are working. 再一次。 I am asking for your patience as we develop guidance on the myriad of decisions that must be considered and resolved. 

While we are less than six weeks away from commencement, we continue to see news stories of other campuses sheltering in place, suspending in-person classes, or moving to all online learning — all due to spikes in disease transmission among students. 

然而,在圣. Louis, our campus rates in March and April have been very low. 这 is due to your vigilance and willingness to abide by our public health safeguards, even after you have been vaccinated. 我们必须保持警惕. 戴上口罩. 保持 相隔6英尺. Check and report your symptoms using #CampusClear. 

As of today, we have provided first doses of the two-shot Moderna vaccine to nearly 5,300 people, including loved ones and members of nearby faith-based organizations. Starting Tuesday, the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be available.

We recognize that some Black and Brown members of our community are understandably hesitant about getting a vaccine due to historical inequities and injustices. 这些 在线研讨会, produced by the School of Medicine’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and presented in both English and Spanish, may help address some of those apprehensions. 

Remember: the more of us who are vaccinated, the more successful we will be at achieving 我们恢复正常生活的计划. Through this return to face-to-face operating across the campus, our community will reap a host of benefits. 我们需要每一个人 尽你的一份力. If you still need to be vaccinated, or have loved ones who 必须的,拜托 安排你的疫苗接种.

Let each of us remain committed to one another’s health and safety as we look forward to the type of 秋天 semester we all want — and need.


弗雷德·P. Pestello, Ph值.D.