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Competitive Fellowships and Scholarships

Interested in applying for nationally competitive awards? 圣徒的忠告 路易斯大学荣誉课程可以提供帮助. 

Competitive Fellowships and Scholarships Advising works with all students who are applying for nationally competitive awards, such as the 富布赖特 Program, Rhodes 学者和金水奖学金.

Our staff offers information, guidance, feedback on application materials for exceptional undergraduate students, graduate students, alumni who are interested 追求奖学金或奖学金. These awards and programs provide successful applicants with opportunities and funding for service, research, teaching, learning and graduate study in the United States and abroad.

Most of these awards are intended for postgraduate students. 如果你感兴趣, please make an appointment to learn more about any of these awards by 填写这个简短的调查. Applicants are highly encouraged to contact the office early and often. 许多 the awards require institutional endorsement and are due well in advance of the start 日期(在某些情况下长达一年). 

Although the support for scholarships and fellowships is located in the Honors Program office, you do not need to be a student in the Honors Program to receive this support. 我们向所有人提供建议 博彩网址大全的学生,以及最近的校友.


Open to seniors and graduate students, the Boren fellowship supports an overseas study 申请人建议. Study of a foreign language appropriate to the identified country or region must be an integral part of each application proposal. 作为交换 for funding, Boren Fellows commit to working in the federal government for at least 毕业后一年.

校园的最后期限: 1月. 15



Open to freshmen through seniors, this scholarship provides support for study abroad in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East. 这 奖学金是给你的。.S. 公民 with a broad interest in national security.

校园的最后期限: 1月. 15



The 批判性语言奖学金 (CLS) Program is a summer study abroad opportunity for American college and university students to learn languages essential to America's 与世界接触.

全国截止日期:11月. 14



Open to seniors and recent college graduates, this scholarship provides support for one year of graduate study in China for students focusing on International Studies, 经济学和公共政策.

校园的最后期限: 9月. 1



Open to seniors and recent college graduates, this fellowship provides support for one year of study, research, or teaching experiences in any country where there is 富布赖特委员会. 仅适用于U.S. 公民.

校园的最后期限: 9月. 15


Open to seniors and graduate/professional students and U.S. 和班.S. 公民, this scholarship provides for one to four years of study leading to a degree at Cambridge 英国大学. All applicants must apply directly to Cambridge as a graduate student and fill out the supplemental portion of the application to the Cambridge Trusts to be considered for the fellowship.

: 9月. 1



Open to seniors and recent college graduates who are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in the United Kingdom, this scholarship supports two years of graduate school 参与大学. 一定是U.S. 美国公民,本科GPA为 至少3个.7.

校园的最后期限: 9月. 1


乔治J. 米切尔奖学金

Open to seniors and recent college graduates, this scholarship provides for one year of support in graduate school in Ireland. Students should be interested in community 为和平服务和工作. 年龄必须在30岁以下,持有美国护照.S. 公民.

校园的最后期限: 9月. 1



Open to seniors and recent college graduates, this scholarship trust provides for one to three years of graduate study at Oxford 英国大学.

校园的最后期限: 9月. 1


Barry M. 戈德华特奖学金

Open to sophomores and juniors, this scholarship offers one to two years of undergraduate funding to students who demonstrate strong evidence of contributing to the technological 美国的进步. Applicants should be committed to pursuing a Ph.D. in the research fields of mathematics, sciences, or engineering.

校园的最后期限: 12月. 1


哈利年代. 杜鲁门奖学金

是美国的大三学生.S. 公民 with a record of community service and a commitment to a career in public service are eligible. 该奖学金提供一年的 funding for students pursuing graduate degrees in public service fields. 公共服务 includes government, uniformed services, public interest organizations, nongovernmental research or educational organizations, public and private schools, other public service-oriented nonprofit organizations.

校园的最后期限: 12月. 1


莫里斯K. 尤德尔奖学金

Open to sophomores and juniors, the Udall Foundation awards scholarships to college sophomores and juniors for leadership, public service, commitment to issues related to American Indian nations or to the environment.

校园的最后期限: 2月. 1
