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Theological Studies, B.A. (Madrid)

圣路易大学马德里分校的神学研究文学学士学位允许 你必须研究和重视宗教经验和思想的最重要方面. 它植根于天主教传统,但在整个基督教的背景下被看到 tradition and in dialogue with the other world’s religious traditions. 

Doing the B.A. in theological studies in Spain allows you to explore the rich and 西班牙,尤其是欧洲国家,有着复杂的宗教和文化遗产 与拉丁美洲联系在一起,这是世界天主教历史的关键 犹太人,基督徒和穆斯林在中世纪共存了很长一段时间. 

Additionally, this B.A. will allow you to develop your writing, research and critical 思考能力为读研做准备,给你的不仅是坚实的基础 在追求神学和哲学的职业生涯时,也是一个有吸引力的专业 在从事传播、政治、社会工作等其他领域的职业时, medicine, law and many others.

A wooden sculpture and a bible in a praying room

Major in Theological Studies

Credo, sed intelligere desidero”

“I believe, but I want to understand” 

St. Anselm of Canterbury

博彩网址大全-Madrid is an ideal setting for theological study in Europe. The religious and 西班牙的文化中心就在你的指尖:花一个下午的时间欣赏艺术作品 在普拉多博物馆展出安杰利科或格列柯的作品,一日游到Ávila参观圣. 特蕾莎的第一个卡梅尔,一个长周末去塞维利亚看最大的哥特式大教堂 in the world, or join a campus retreat to the birthplace of St. Ignatius of Loyola. 

Don't just study the history of European theology; live it in Madrid, Paris and Rome. 在孔波斯特拉之路漫步中世纪朝圣之路. The theological 研究项目提供了一个独特的机会,不仅深入思考的最终 问题,但看看答案对智力,文化的影响 and religious heritage of Spain and Europe as a whole.

伊比利亚半岛是一个文化和知识的十字路口超过 two millennia. The theological studies program at 博彩网址大全-Madrid is committed to helping 学生和教师在这个特殊的背景下扩展他们对上帝的认识. The 犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教之间知识交流的可能性 been mapped, explored and also shattered throughout Spain's history. Take classes 这三个一神论信仰,他们的神学,历史和关系 to one another.

植根于天主教,耶稣会的知识传统,神学系 研究致力于通过信仰和理性的实践来追求真理. 这种追求需要关注神学传统——包括 它的物质、历史和哲学环境——以及当代国家 of the church and the world. While the department focuses on Catholic and other Christian 传统,它欢迎来自其他宗教传统的学生,并致力于 to interreligious dialogue and comparative theological study. Faculty specialties 包括对旧约和新约的研究,以及基础的,系统的, historical, and moral theology. Scholars and students in the theological studies program 形成一个合作探究的社区,教师强调准备 学生不仅要对宗教和道德进行严格的考察和承诺 but also for the practice of faith. 

Curriculum Overview

神学研究专业需要120个学分的课程,包括 33 credit hours of Theology coursework. Students are required to take the God Talk 一门世界宗教课程,一门基督教传统教义课程, 四门选修课,四门选修课,一门顶点研讨会,以及至少一门 以下区域:“圣典”、“宗教传统”和“宗教伦理”. 

Major Requirements (33 credit hours)

  • THEO 1000:神学基础或THEO 1600:上帝谈话(3学时)

  • THEO 2710: Religions of the World (3 credit hours)

  • “基督教传统教学”中的一门选修课(3学时); either:

    - THEO 3430: Teachings in the Christian Tradition: God & Christ, or 

    - THEO 3435: Teachings in the Christian Tradition: Church & World

  • 《博彩网址大全》课程中的一门选修课(3学时),例如:

    - THEO 2210: Introduction to the Old Testament

    - THEO 2210: Introduction to the New Testament

    - THEO 3115: Biblical Prophets: Voices of Conscience & Social Justice

  • 一门“宗教传统”课程选修课(3学时),例如:

    - THEO 2715: Jerusalem: Three Faiths, One City

    - THEO 2755: Islam: Religion, Culture, and Society

    - THEO 3730: Jewish Life: Bible to Middle Ages

  • One elective from "Religious Ethics" courses (3 credit hours) such as:

    - THEO 2510: Christian Ethics

    - THEO 2515: Social Justice

  • 另外四门神学选修课程(12学分)可从列出的课程中选择 above or from other courses such as:

    - THEO 2425: God in Human Experience

    - THEO 2820: Religion and Science

    - THEO 2330: Christian Church Since 1500

    - THEO 3130: Ancient Israel and the Near East

    - THEO 3220: Archaeology and the Bible

    - THEO 3375: Women in the Bible

    - THEO 3850: Theology and the Visual Arts

  • THEO 4960: Capstone Seminar I 

At least 15 credits must be taken at the 3xxx-level or above.

A single course cannot be used to fulfill more than one requirement.

Continuation standards: A student must maintain a 2.00 GPA in theology major coursework

Minor Requirements

马德里大学的神学辅修课程要求学生完成18个小时的神学课程 coursework that meet the following requirements:

  • THEO 1600: God Talk (3 credit hours)
  • THEO 2710: Religions of the World (3 credit hours)
  • 选修一门“圣经”课程或“基督教教义”课程 Tradition" courses (3 credit hours) such as:
    • THEO 3430: Teachings in the Christian Tradition: God and Christ
    • THEO 3435: Teachings in the Christian Tradition: Church and World
    • THEO 2210: Introduction to the Old Testament
    • THEO 2210: Introduction to the New Testament
    • THEO 3115: Biblical Prophets: Voices of Conscience and Social Justice

  • Three additional elective THEO courses (9 credit hours)

At least nine credits must be taken at the 3xxx-level or above.

一门课程不能同时满足一个以上的要求 this minor.

Continuation standards: A student must maintain a 2.00 GPA in theology minor coursework.

Internships and Careers

有意在毕业后继续从事神学研究的学生可以任教 在小学和中学阶段或担任宗教教育协调员 in a parish and pastoral associates in schools or parishes. Many students consider 主修神学研究,为读研做坚实的准备. Graduate 学习神学为学生提供了各种各样的事工教育, 在学院或大学任教,并进入许多其他行业. 学习神学可以让学生在许多职业中获得有吸引力的专业 在通信、政治、社会工作、医学、法律和许多其他领域都是榜样.


马德里大学的神学研究教授是许多领域的专家 神学,包括对圣经的研究,以及基础的、系统的、历史的、 and moral theology. 

Tuition and Fees

马德里大学致力于以合理的价格提供高质量的耶稣会教育. 马德里校区的学费比同类校区低约40% private universities in the U.S.

如果您有问题或想与财政援助官员说话,给我们发电子邮件 at

Admission to the Major

To be admitted to the major, you must have at least a 2.00 cumulative average and complete a declaration of major form, available in the Office of the Registrar. Upon acceptance to the program, you will be assigned a departmental advisor.

Graduation Requirements

To be certified for graduation, you are required to:

  • Have at least a 2.00 cumulative average, a 2.00 average in the major and a 2.00 average in the minor or related elective hours.
  • 在博彩网址大全完成最后36个学分中的30个 or St. Louis campus).
  • 在学期开始前提交学位在线申请 you intend to graduate.

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