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Daniel Chornet, Ph.D.

Department of Communication


Ph.D. in Communication Studies (University of Iowa, USA)
Doctoral Dissertation: Dating” in the U.S. as a Multivocal Relational Event: A Dialogical Approach
M.A. in Communication Studies (University of Iowa, USA)
B.A. in English Philology (Universitat de València, Spain)

Practice Areas

我的研究兴趣在于人际关系和跨文化的交集 交际学侧重于语言和社会互动的研究. 我也做过运用话语分析的对话方法的研究 并通过对代表性的批判性调查来补充这些兴趣 of immigrants and minority groups in Spanish newspapers. 

  • Intercultural Communication
  • Ethnography of Communication
  • Discourse Analysis

Publications and Media Placements

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Chornet, D. (under review) “People confuse respeto “尊重”与称呼:礼貌第二人称交流的民族志 pronoun use in Peninsular Spanish. Paper submitted to the Journal of Politeness Research.

Chornet, D. & Parr, H. B. (2017). Speech codes theory applied to problematic situations 跨文化交际:六步迭代训练周期. Journal of Intercultural Communication43.

Rodriguez, S. R., & Chornet, D. (2014). How “Family” is your host family?: An examination of student–host relationships during study abroad. International Journal of Intercultural Relations39(0), 164–174.

Alonso Belmonte, I., McCabe, A., & Chornet, D. (2010). In their own words: The construction 西班牙半岛大报和免费报纸上的移民形象. Discourse & Communication, 4(3), 227-242. doi: 10.1177/1750481310373218

Chornet, D. (2010). 利用学生的先验知识讲授社会渗透理论. Communication Teacher, 24(3), 150-154. 

Book Chapters

Alonso Belmonte, I., Chornet, D., & McCabe, A. (2013). Benefit or Burden? Press representation 在西班牙经济衰退期间移民工人的数量. In A. De Rycker & Z. Mohd Don (Eds.), Discourse and crisis: Critical perspectives (pp. 363–393). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Alonso Belmonte, I., Chornet, D., & McCabe, A. (2013). Ideological stances in Internet 用户对移民、种族与种族主义的话语建构:一份网络报纸 case study. In M. Lirola (Ed.), 经济危机时期的移民话语:一个批判的视角 (pp. 59–85). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Encyclopedia Entries

Chornet, D. (2015). Cultural persuadables. In Tracy, K., Ilie, C. & Sandel, T. (eds.) (2015). 国际语言与社会互动百科全书. Boston: John Wiley & Sons (2500 words).

Translated Articles

Alonso Belmonte, I., McCabe, A., Chornet, D. (2011). En sus proproas palabras: la construcción de la imagen del immigrant en la prensa española. Discurso & Sociedad, 5(3), 547-568.(PDF)

Online Commentary on Pedagogy

Chornet, D. (2011). The Instructor as the Experienced Guide. The Notebook: Reiner Center for Teaching的季刊,13(3).

Chornet, D. (2011). 回顾肯·贝恩的《博彩网址大全》 MA: Harvard University Press, (2004).《博彩网址大全》:莱纳教学中心的季刊. 13(2).

Chornet, D. (2010). 反思教学和反思学习的策略.《博彩网址大全》:莱纳教学中心的季刊. 13(2).

Chornet, D. (2010). 依纳爵的课堂教学法:走向发展 a responsible self. 《博彩网址大全》:莱纳教学中心的季刊. 13(1). 

Chornet, D. (2009). Teaching tips: Using discussion. 《博彩网址大全》:莱纳教学中心的季刊. 2(1).

Conference Presentations

Chornet, D.,Gerlander, M., & Poutiainen, S. (2019). A dialogic approach to speech 符码理论:对命题二的阐述和方法. Paper accepted to be presented at the 民族传播学与跨学科运动 会议,6月11-14日,赫尔辛基大学,赫尔辛基,芬兰.

Chornet, D. [Presenter] & Parr, B. [Presenter] (2015). Into the Constructivist Paradigm: 语言密码理论在跨文化交际能力培养中的应用. 在SIETAR europa上发表的论文-刷新文化范式:
分享故事, Theories and Next Practices, May 21-23, Valencia, Spain.

Muñoz (Fitch), [Presenter] K. L, & Chornet, D. [Presenter] (2013). Talk, family, and nationhood: The Spanish ritual of “la sobremesa”. Paper presented to the Language 和社会互动部,11月 21-124. Washington D.C., USA.

Chornet, D. (2013). 格里·菲利普森的影响和遗产:传播的民族志 from 1972 into the future. 由语言与社会互动部赞助 国家通信协会,11月21日至124日. Washington D.C., USA.

Chornet, D. (2013). 美国大学生谈论约会的文化方式. Comparative Research in Ethnography of Communication. Panel presented to the Language 以及国际传播协会社会互动部. June 17-21. London, UK.

Chornet, D. [Presenter], & Muñoz, K. (2012) “Te voy a tutear:” Metacommunication and personal address in post-Millenial Madrid. Paper to be presented to the Language and 3月份在全国传播协会的社会互动部门. Orlando, Florida, USA.

Chornet, D. (2012). [Roundtable] Pedagogy and Curriculum. 发表于6月10-14日的“传播人种学:前进之路”会议上。 2012 Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. 

Muñoz, K. L.[Presenter] & Chornet, D. (2012). 称呼模式的元语用框架:马德里与波哥大的比较. 论文发表于第一届国际语用学研讨会 第五届跨文化语用学国际会议,2012年10月19-21日. University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA

Alonso Belmonte, I., McCabe, A., & Chornet, D. [Presenter] (2010). 西班牙半岛大报和免费报中移民的声音报道. 论文发表于4月16日的“现在代表会议” & 17th, 2010 Saint Louis University-Madrid Campus, Madrid, Spain.

Chornet, D. [Presenter], Vita, P., Hutchison, M., McCabe, A. (2008). 巴赫金话语与教学伦理:教师发展与对话 Assessment. 论文提交给第13届国际Mikhaïl巴赫金会议,7月28 - 8月 1st, 2008 University of Western Ontario, Canada.

Chornet-Roses, D. (2007). 美国大学生约会话语的对位分析. 论文提交给国立大学修辞与交际理论学部 Communication Association, Chicago, IL, US. 

Chornet-Roses, D. (2007). “我对约会这件事很困惑”:对……意义的对话研究 Dating. 提交给西方国家人际传播兴趣小组的论文 Communication Association, Seattle, WA, US.

Chornet-Roses, D. (2006). A Burkean approach to identity: Analyzing George H. Mead and Kelly through the lens of the Pentad. 论文提交给东方传播协会Kenneth Burke利益小组., Philadelphia, PA, US.

Chornet-Roses, D. (2004). 征服自然的进步信念:丘吉尔瀑布的影响 hydroelectric project on the Innu. 提交给芝加哥国家传播协会团体传播部的论文 IL, US.

Chornet-Roses, D. (2004). Dating in the U.S. as a Multivocal relational event: A dialogic approach. 论文提交给《博彩网址大全》修辞与交际理论部 Association, Chicago, IL, US.

Conference Organizer

2012 - Identity, Communication, and Culture. Madrid, Spain.

2010 - Representation Now Conference. Madrid, Spain.

Workshops Delivered (for faculty & professionals)

2017    January 21st – (1,5 hours) Diseño de presentaciones de alto impact to para fisioterapeutas en la clínica Cuidate Artista. 11 a.m. Madrid.

2015    February 25th – (2 hours) - Effective Teaching Seminar: 讲故事在课堂上促进参与的力量. Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning. Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus. Madrid & broadcast to Missouri Campus.

2014   December 17th – (1 hour) - High-Impact Presentations for Student Recruitment. 12 p.m. Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus. Madrid.

2014    April 2nd & 3rd – (9 hours total) High-Impact Presentations. Hosted by Imantia Desarrollo Directivo S.L. 9:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m at Hotel Miguel Ángel. Madrid.

2013    October 30th – (2 hours) - Effective Teaching Seminar: 促进讨论,吸引学生的策略. Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning. Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus. Madrid & broadcast to Missouri Campus.

2013    December 4th – (1,5 hours) -教师导向:评估学生学习成果的介绍. 12 p.m. Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus. Madrid.

2013    October 3rd & 4th – (9 hours total) High-Impact Presentations. Hosted by Imantia Desarrollo Directivo S.L. 9:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m at Hotel Miguel Ángel. Madrid.

2011    October 26th – (2 hours) - Effective Teaching Seminar: 促进讨论,吸引学生的策略. 5:30 p.m. Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning. Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus. Madrid & broadcast to Missouri Campus.

Editorial Board Memberships

  • Journal of International & Intercultural Communication (2010 – Present)
  • Journal of Intercultural Communication (2017 – Present)
  • Journal of Undergraduate Ethnography (2015 – Present
  • Communication Theory (2008 – 2011)

Directed Undergraduate Research Publications

Parr, B. H. (2013). “宝贝,亲爱的”:代码转换是一种发展和限制亲密关系的方式 in multilingual, romantic relationships. Journal of Undergraduate Ethnography, 3(2), 12-22.

Gómez-O’Cadiz, M. (2014). Expressing criticism, emotionality and community in the Spanish socioeconomic crisis. Journal of Undergraduate Ethnography, 4(1), 40-51.

De Socarraz-Novoa, A. (2015) Code-switching in a multilingual workplace. Journal of Undergraduate Ethnography, 3(2), 1-8.

Williamson, C. (2015). 命名现象:维护和定义关系. Journal of Undergraduate Ethnography, 5(1), 42-48.

Naama, N. (2016). 从“我爱你,哈比比”到“哦,我的上帝,哈比比,这并不难。!’: 哪些称呼告诉了我们人际关系和文化呢. Journal of Undergraduate Ethnography, 6(1), 32-46.

Colzani, E. (2019). “别像个狗娘养的,站起来去拿你需要的东西。.” An 通过意大利年轻人对个人和群体身份的理解 and evaluations of insults. Journal of Undergraduate Ethnography.

Honors and Awards

2014-2015年,获学生颁发的“优秀教授奖” Government Association. Saint Louis University-Madrid Campus.

2013-2014年,获得学生颁发的“优秀教授奖” Government Association. Saint Louis University-Madrid Campus.