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Jonathan C. Smith, Ph.D.: 1959-2021

A champion for diversity. A force for good. A huge teddy bear of hope, laughter and joy even amid difficult conversations.

这些只是博彩网址大全大家庭成员的一些方式 describing Jonathan C. Smith, Ph.D., 博彩网址大全’s vice president for diversity and community 她于2021年6月19日突然去世,享年61岁 stroke.

Dr. Jonathan Smith

Jonathan Smith, Ph.D., vice president for diversity and community engagement, and assistant professor of African American Studies.

“Dr. Jonathan Smith had a profound impact not only on our campus and well beyond, 也影响了所有有幸认识和爱他的人的个人生活。” said 博彩网址大全 President Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D.

“在我们哀悼和庆祝这位非凡的人的同时,我们也必须再次承诺 作为一个博彩网址大全来推进重要的工作,这是乔纳森非常热衷的. 我们通过发扬他关于一个更加公正和公平的世界的愿景来纪念他的遗产.”

In the days since Dr. Smith’s unexpected passing, there has been an outpouring of 来自校园各个角落和社交媒体的悲痛表明 他对大学的巨大影响只能与他的巨大损失相提并论 for the 博彩网址大全 community.

“他离开这个地球会给我们每个人留下一个巨大的空洞, and us as a community and a university,” said Amber Johnson, Ph.D. (A&S ’01, Grad A&她是传播学副教授,也是新任命的副教务长 for diversity and community engagement. “Part of me feels like he’s going to continue this work as an ancestor, and now he doesn’t have any constraints. He has the freedom to show up in ways we have only dreamed of, and that’s comforting.”

Dr. Smith was born on Dec. 17, 1959, in Montgomery, Alabama, and grew up in Harvey, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. After graduating in the top 10% of his class at Thornton 高中毕业后,他进入普林斯顿大学,获得学士学位 in philosophy. He received a Chancellor’s Fellowship from Washington University in St. Louis where he completed an M.F.A. in creative writing and a Ph.D. in English and American literature.

Dr. Smith joined 博彩网址大全’s faculty in 2002 as an assistant professor in the Department of American Studies. He transitioned to the African American Studies Program in 2011. 随着时间的推移,他确立了自己作为一个有成就的学者和获奖 author and poet. In his second year of teaching, he began advising graduate students on their dissertations, and in keeping with his gift of lifting others up, Dr. Smith 他说他最自豪的时刻之一是他指导的一篇论文获得了 top national prize in its field.

Jonathan was a visionary. He was the man who brought all of our ideas to life. Now, 现在轮到我们赋予他的想法生命,并确保他想看到的事情发生.”

Amber Johnson, Ph.D.

2014年10月,数百名示威者聚集在博彩网址大全校园作为回应 to the recent shooting deaths of Michael Brown and VonDerrit Myers, Jr., Dr. Smith had to be involved. Not just because he had strong connections with the students and activists participating, but because it was in his DNA. His parents, Rev. J.C. Smith 和威利·梅·史密斯,都参与了1956年阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市的公共汽车抵制运动 his father was arrested alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Smith took his classes out to the clock tower, where demonstrators had set up a camp, and invited activists into his classroom. He marshaled his church to bring umbrellas, water and blankets to campus. And while he didn’t participate in official 谈判时,他与学生们就一些事情进行了交谈 《博彩网址大全》和平解决了为期一周的校园露营.

第二年,当他当选时,他的任务是履行这些协议 成为博彩网址大全第一位负责多元化和社区参与的校长助理 — a move that was celebrated by colleagues and students across the campus. In 2016, 他的职位被提升为首席多元化官,并再次获得晋升 in 2017 to vice president for diversity and community engagement.

作为博彩网址大全在多元化、公平、包容和社区参与方面的高级领导者, Dr. 史密斯领导了使大学更具包容性和欢迎多元化的努力 populations, as well as to increase outreach to the St. Louis community and improve 为该地区最贫困地区的年轻人提供接受博彩网址大全教育的机会. His many responsibilities included:

A photo of Dr. Jonathan Smith, 博彩网址大全 adminisrators and an activist near the clock tower in 2014

Dr. Smith (second from right) talks with an activist (left) during the encampment at 博彩网址大全’s clock tower in 2014.

While the Clock Tower Accords were Dr. Smith’s primary focus during his first year 作为首席多元化官,他很快提出了学校需要这样做的理由 像全国其他机构一样研究它与奴隶制的历史 or were doing. As he was bringing that to the table at 博彩网址大全, similar discussions were underway in the Jesuits USA Central and Southern (UCS) Province.

大学和省政府决定共同努力,推出了奴隶制, History, Memory and Reconciliation project, with Dr. Smith as its co-director. While 总体目标是确定对组织历史的适当响应 with slavery, Dr. Smith believed the effort’s focus should be on the lives of enslaved people.

Even as Dr. Smith’s responsibilities grew in scope, involving larger University matters, 他在非裔美国人研究方面保持着很强的影响力,经常在美国大学教授 first course most new majors in the program take.

克里斯托弗说:“他在这个角色上是一位大使,在许多方面都是一个领跑者 Tinson, Ph.D., who joined the University as the program’s director three years ago. “从第一天起,我就能感受到他对学生的友善、体贴和耐心. He encouraged them to be curious and rigorous at the same time.”


“乔纳森在大学的各个层次都表现出了无与伦比的优雅,” Tinson said. “I will remember his generosity of spirit and his willingness to engage 人们按照自己的方式行事,让他们觉得自己的想法总是受到欢迎的 and valued.”

Johnson agreed, joyfully recalling how Dr. Smith helped secure the first box truck 它被改造成了司法舰队项目的移动博物馆——只有一个 story in a sea of thousands, Johnson reckoned.

“他会接受你的想法,然后说:‘我明白你的意思,我重视这个想法,我会全力以赴 effort into making it come alive,’ and then it just happens,” Johnson said. “Jonathan was a visionary. He was the man who brought all of our ideas to life. Now, it’s our turn to give his ideas life and to make sure what he wanted to see happens.”

Dr. Smith is survived by his mother; his wife, Rochelle; daughters Lauren, Rachel, Mariah, Brooke and Shannon; four siblings, and countless family members, friends and colleagues. A memorial service to honor his life and legacy will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, June 30, in Chaifetz Arena. It also will be livestreamed.

Memorial Service Details

Reflections from Dr. Smith’s Staff

Regina Walton supported Dr. Smith as his executive assistant for approximately seven years. She 还曾在推荐他担任特别助理的遴选委员会任职 to the president post. When a human resources staff member called Walton to let her know that Dr. Smith wanted to hire her, she cried.

“我记得当他上任时,我在他的电脑上留下了耶利米的留言 29:11 that read: ‘耶和华说,因为我知道我向你所设的计谋,就是使你亨通的计谋 not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’

“I could always feel the love and support Dr. Smith had for every single person who came through our office. We lost a giant. We lost our best friend. We lost our father. He truly lived out the mission of Saint Louis University.”

Luella Loseille (A&(17届,19届毕业生)跨文化多样性和包容性副主任 Center, worked with Dr. Smith in several capacities, from SGA senator to AmeriCorps VISTA to Atlas Week program coordinator. At every step along the way, Dr. Smith was there as a mentor and a friend.

“He always encouraged me. Even when I had my own self-doubts, he never failed to say ‘I’m proud of you.’ He was so excited to see me reach my full potential. That was 他的影响力有多大,他对很多人的影响有多大,不仅仅是在博彩网址大全社区, but in the world in general.

“When you came into the presence of Dr. Smith, you immediately felt assured, supported, and valued. You left a better person after speaking with him.”

Richard Marks, Ed.D., director of the Cross Cultural Center, first met Dr. Smith seven years ago during a meeting of the African American Male Scholars Program. In subsequent encounters, Marks was greeted not just with a handshake but also a firm hug.

“Dr. Smith was a champion for so many people. He gave everybody a voice, but more 重要的是,他给了弱势群体和边缘化学生更大的发言权 what we've heard in the past. His willingness to not only listen but to act has been very important.

“他非常聪明,给了我们宝贵的知识,让我们继续前进, not only in that moment but for a lifetime. He was able to impart his wisdom while he was here with us. Now, he is able to watch over all of us.”

In lieu of flowers, Dr. Smith’s family has requested support of the following causes:

The Jonathan C. Smith Scholarship at Saint Louis University: Established in memory of Dr. Jonathan Smith, a fierce advocate for diversity, equity, 和博彩网址大全的包容性,捐赠奖学金将支持博彩网址大全 students who graduated from St. Louis-area high schools who demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. All gifts will be matched by 博彩网址大全, dollar for dollar.

Give to the Jonathan C. Smith Scholarship at Saint Louis University

The Black Rep Theatre: Poetry and the arts were a huge part of Dr. Smith’s scholarship and life. Dr. Smith has long been involved with St. Louis’ Black Rep Theatre, most recently serving as the president of its Board of Directors.

Give to The Black Rep

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