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Nursing, Ph.D.


护理学博士课程采用传统的课堂教学形式和现场远程学习方式, real-time digital teleconferencing. 

瓦伦丁护理学院以其卓越的护理教育而闻名. U.S. 在《博彩网址大全》的最佳研究生院调查中,我们的研究生课程一直名列前茅.

Program Highlights

博彩网址大全's Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing features:

  • Full- and part-time curriculum plans
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) and Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) entry options
  • Responsive faculty who are nationally recognized for teaching excellence, nursing leadership, scholarly research and student mentorship
  • 在整个项目中被单独分配指导每个学生的教师顾问
  • An online library
  • An online writing center
  • State-of-the-art teaching facilities

Curriculum Overview

学生可以通过以下两个课程之一进入护理学博士课程:学士学位后到博士学位.D. track (BSN to Ph.D.), or the post-master's to Ph.D. track (MSN to Ph.D.).

Both options offer the choice of taking classes on campus or at a distance. 远程学生通过在线会议软件与校园内的学生进行实时互动.

大多数博士级护理课程在秋季和春季学期的周五上午和下午开设. 课程安排的时间考虑到不同时区的学生. 本学年还包括两门较短的强化课程,在夏季的周五上课.



Graduates with a Ph.D. 在护理中,为护士科学家,护士研究人员和护士教育者的职业做好准备.

Admission Requirements

特鲁迪·布希瓦伦丁护理学院坚持全面录取的原则,选择标准是广泛的,并与我们大学和学院的使命和目标相联系. While we do consider academic metrics, we also look at applicant experiences, attributes, potential for success, 以及申请人如何为学校的学习环境和职业做出贡献.

Ph.D. 特鲁迪·布希·瓦伦丁护理学院的招生人员会对所有申请进行评估,并可能要求对符合以下标准的申请人进行面试:

  • Post-M.S.N. to Ph.D. -获得国家认可的认证机构认可的护理专业硕士学位
  • Post-B.S.N. to Ph.D. -获得国家认可的认证机构认可的护理专业学士学位.
  • Cumulative grade point average of 3.25 on a 4.0 system
  • Current, 在密苏里州/居住国/就业的无阻碍注册专业护士执照或在密苏里州获得执照的资格
  • Evidence of high potential for scholarship and leadership in nursing

Application Requirements

  • Application form and fee
  • Transcript(s)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Résumé
  • Interview
  • Professional goal statement

Requirements for International Students

所有国内学生的博彩网址大全政策和要求适用于国际学生. 国际学生还必须满足以下额外要求:

  • Demonstrate English Language Proficiency
  • Academic records, in English translation, 在美国以外接受高等教育的学生必须包括:
    • Courses taken and/or lectures attended
    • Practical laboratory work
    • The maximum and minimum grades attainable
    • The grades earned or the results of all end-of-term examinations
    • Any honors or degrees received.
  • WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.
  • In order to be issued an I-20 for your F-1 visa application, students must submit financial documents. Proof of financial support that must include:
    • 由资助该学生在博彩网址大全学习的个人或赞助机构出具的经济支持信
    • 保荐人银行出具的证明资金到位的信函,证明在学生在大学学习期间资金到位

Application Deadlines

United States students should apply for the fall semester by June 1. International students should apply by Feb. 1 for the summer and fall semesters.  如果申请截止日期已经过了你感兴趣的学期,请联系 or to determine if the application deadline has been extended.

Review Process

Applicants are considered on a rolling basis. An application answer may be expected after two weeks. There is a deadline to accept an offer of admission.


Tuition Cost Per Credit
Graduate Tuition $1,370

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Financing for this program may be available through grants, scholarships, loans (federal and private) and institutional financing plans.  For price estimates, please review the 博彩网址大全 Cost Calculator.  

The Saint Louis University Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing offers scholarship and graduate research assistantship opportunities to eligible graduate students.  Additionally, 大多数护理专业的学生将参加由他们的雇主提供的学费援助计划.

For more information, visit the student financial services office online at


Trudy Busch Valentine护理学院是由密苏里州护理委员会完全批准的.

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 瓦伦丁护理学院的护理学硕士和护理实践博士获得了美国护士协会的认证 Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and approved by the Missouri State Board of Nursing. To achieve its educational objectives, 学校使用SSM Health内的医院和大St区的许多保健组织. Louis area.

  1. 毕业生将能够阐明知识发展的多个角度和对研究方法的广泛理解.
  2. 毕业生将能够批判和综合护理和跨学科的知识在一个实质性的调查领域.
  3. 毕业生将能够通过创新的研究产生和传播护理知识, rigorously conducted, ethically sound and culturally sensitive.
  4. 毕业生将能够通过传播科学发现和对未来研究实践和政策的影响来展示领导力.
Required Courses
HCE 5500Ethics in Nursing& Health Care2
NURS 5140Health Promotion3
NURS 5170Advanced Pathophysiology3
NURS 5200Gen Research Methods3
NURS 6805Introduction to Applied Statistics for Healthcare Research3
NURS 6800Theory Development in Nursing3
NURS 6801健康促进、疾病预防和减少健康差距的研究问题3
NURS 6802Measurement of Nursing Variables3
NURS 6803Nursing Issues and Leadership Strategies2
NURS 6804Research Issues in Care of Acute and Chronically Ill Populations3
NURS 6809Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research3
NURS 6810Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research3
NURS 6812Issues in Scientific Integrity in Nursing and Health Research1
NURS 6813Knowledge Development in Nursing3
NURS 6806Applied Statistics for Research I3
NURS 6807Applied Statistics II3
Concentration Electives
NURS 6xxx集中领域,加强论文研究或护士教师角色选择9
Dissertation Research
NURS 6999Dissertation Research (taken over multiple semesters, 12hrs total)0-6
Total Credits65

Post-Master of Science in Nursing Requirements

Required Courses
NURS 6800Theory Development in Nursing3
NURS 6801健康促进、疾病预防和减少健康差距的研究问题3
NURS 6802Measurement of Nursing Variables3
NURS 6803Nursing Issues and Leadership Strategies2
NURS 6804Research Issues in Care of Acute and Chronically Ill Populations3
NURS 6809Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research3
NURS 6810Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research3
NURS 6812Issues in Scientific Integrity in Nursing and Health Research1
NURS 6813Knowledge Development in Nursing3
NURS 6806Applied Statistics for Research I3
NURS 6807Applied Statistics II3
NURS 6805Introduction to Applied Statistics for Healthcare Research3
Concentration Electives
NURS 6xxx集中领域,加强论文研究或护士教师角色选择9
Dissertation Research
NURS 6999Dissertation Research (taken over multiple semesters, 12hrs total)0-6
Total Credits54

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.


Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Participation in Orientation on campus in August  
NURS 6800 Theory Development in Nursing 3
NURS 6813 Knowledge Development in Nursing 3
Participation in Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference  
NURS 6809 Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research 3
NURS 6810 Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research 3
NURS 6812 Issues in Scientific Integrity in Nursing and Health Research 1
NURS 6805 Introduction to Applied Statistics for Healthcare Research 3
Year Two
NURS 6801 健康促进、疾病预防和减少健康差距的研究问题 3
NURS 6806 Applied Statistics for Research I 3
NURS 6804 Research Issues in Care of Acute and Chronically Ill Populations 3
NURS 6807 Applied Statistics II 3
ELECTIVE: Area of Concentration (AOC) course (need 9 AOC credits total) 3
Written Comprehensive Examination  
Year Three
NURS 6802 Measurement of Nursing Variables 3
ELECTIVE: Area of Concentration (AOC) course (need 9 AOC credits total) 3
ELECTIVE: Area of Concentration (AOC) course (need 9 AOC credits total) 3
Year Four
NURS 6999 Dissertation Research 3
NURS 6999 Dissertation Research 3
NURS 6999 Dissertation Research 3
Year Five
NURS 6999 Dissertation Research 3
 Total Credits52

Apply for Admission

For additional admission questions, please contact the School of Nursing's recruitment and enrollment staff:

Undergraduate Inquiries

Graduate Inquiries