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如果你在考虑 教育领导文学硕士, you probably already have a wealth of classroom experience. 你所热衷的 education and are keen to learn new skills, unlock new professional opportunities 并在这个领域产生持久的影响. 但你可能还在想:“是硕士学位。 在教育领导方面值得?” 

Three adults have a discussion in the hallway of a school.

Returning to school for a graduate degree is a significant investment of time, money 和能源. Let’s explore why earning this advanced degree could be a transformative 踏上你的个人和职业之旅.

5 Reasons to Earn a Master’s in 教育领导

1. To Grow Your Skillset and Become a Solutions-oriented Leader.

Effective classroom teachers are already natural leaders. 但是,在大师的水平上, you learn 关于 what it takes to run an entire school building and solve problems 规模要大得多. These advanced management, administration, collaboration skills are critical to your success as a leader — and to the success of your school 或组织.

教育领导文学硕士 program at Saint Louis University (博彩网址大全), students undergo extensive professional development inside and outside the classroom, 根据 爱德华·卡伦·霍尔.D., assistant professor of educational leadership at 博彩网址大全.

“My job is to prepare students for an in-depth internship at a real school,” she explains. Under the guidance of 博彩网址大全 faculty and on-site supervisors, students identify a problem, 把它表达出来,并制定一个计划来解决它.

“It’s a chance for really deep learning and thinking,” Hall goes on to say. “他们 are collecting data, writing logic models, measuring the effectiveness of programs and interventions, giving important feedback to the schools they work in.“这 emphasis on connecting theory to practice is an essential component of any 博彩网址大全 program. 

2. To Learn From Your Peers and Make Lifelong Connections

In a graduate-level program, you expect to learn from professors who are experts in 他们的研究领域. But you can also gain an incredible amount of knowledge from collaborating with your peers, who bring diverse life and work experiences to the table. 

In a cohort model of learning, like the one at 博彩网址大全, students go through the program 作为一个群体. You get the chance to bond with your classmates and create deep, meaningful 这种关系通常会持续你的整个职业生涯. 

Classes are intentionally set up to push students into conversation with one another 并共同努力,根据 Robert Vogelaar, Ed.D., assistant professor of educational leadership at 博彩网址大全

“There’s a natural synergy when people with diverse backgrounds and experiences unite 为了解决一个模拟问题,”他分享道. “这自然会导致对不同的探索 perspectives, applications of best practices and approaches to leadership.”  

3. 拓展你的职业关系网

In addition to your cohort, 博彩网址大全 students have a plethora of opportunities to build professional relationships that could help breed success in your career or even connect 有工作机会的你. This includes your professors, on-site supervisors, guest 演讲者和强大的校友网络. 

One of the hallmarks of our educational leadership master’s program is the emphasis on building networks of leadership communities in practice. “毕业生知道他们是 only a phone call away from people who know their name, work ethic, experience — people who have a genuine desire to help their careers,” Vogelaar says.

4. To Advance Your Career and Increase Your Salary Potential

A master's degree in educational leadership can open doors to advanced positions that 通常薪水会更高. 无论你是否渴望成为一名优秀的教师, department chair, coach or principal, this degree can boost your chances of securing 突出的作用.

At 博彩网址大全, many of our master’s in educational leadership students are focused on becoming a principal in Missouri or intend to work in private, charter or parochial schools 在这个州. Upon completion of the program, students are eligible to apply and sit for the Missouri Initial Principal Certification exam.

5. 促进课堂公平

As an institution of higher learning rooted in Jesuit values and social justice, all of 博彩网址大全’s programs emphasize the importance of equity in action, not just rhetoric. Understanding and addressing inequities is the first step to changing harmful and discriminatory classroom practices that hinder fair and equal access to education.
 “The concept of equitable classrooms is infused into all my courses,” Hall says, who specializes in equity-centered leadership and antiracist teaching practices. “I want teachers to ask themselves ‘Who is underserved in my school and why? 怎么能 我以系统的方式满足所有孩子的需求?’”

Become a Leader Who Shapes the Future of Education

So, is a master’s 在教育领导方面值得? 只有你自己才能决定 你自己. But many 博彩网址大全 alumni have proven it to be a worthwhile investment in growing their skills, advancing their careers, making a positive impact on students. As educational leaders, they understand that they play a crucial role in changing paradigms and making schools safer, more supportive and welcoming for all students. 

Get the training you need to become a transformative force for good and learn more 关于 博彩网址大全’s 教育领导文学硕士 program 今天.






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