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Saint Louis University’s 专业进修学院 offers several 奖学金s 专为成人学生在我们的在线学位课程学习. 

奖学金分为成绩奖学金和需求奖学金. 我们的许多学位 项目为特定项目的学生提供特殊奖学金. 奖学金 listed on this page are for qualified undergraduate students except for the Graduate 学生成功奖学金. 此外,还可能提供研究生助学金 适用于攻读硕士课程的学生.

博彩网址大全's 专业进修学院 奖学金s are awarded to qualified students 在我们的节目中. The number and profile of applicants will vary by term; consequently, 你可能会在一个学期获得奖学金,但下一个学期不会.

博彩网址大全 employees and family members who qualify for 博彩网址大全 tuition remission are not eligible 奖学金申请. 奖学金不退还现金,直接申请 支付所授予学期的学费. 获得SPS奖学金是偶然的 在每学期顺利完成注册课程后. 退学的学生 从课程中退学的学生可能会被没收所有由学生资助局颁发的款项.



The 新生承诺奖学金 is a non-renewable award for incoming undergraduate students committed to registering in courses for the remainder of the academic year. 符合条件的学生必须是 明确承认 in their first or second term with no more than six hours with SPS toward a degree 或证书.

可用性: Three to four recipients will be selected for the summer, both fall terms and the 第一个春季学期.



The 新生奖励奖学金 is a nonrenewable award for incoming undergraduate 参加第一学期SPS课程的学生. 学生必须注册 申请截止日期前的课程. 此外,你还必须注册 申请奖学金的学期内的课程.





The 勃兰特残疾奖学金 is awarded to undergraduate students with a documented 被录取进入SPS学位或证书课程的残疾人士. 要符合资格, you must have completed at least one term with SPS and be registered for courses by 申请截止日期. 此外,你应该:

  • Have a disability documented with 博彩网址大全’s Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources
  • Be registered 申请奖学金的学期内的课程





The 凯瑟琳和内森梅里克终点线奖学金 is intended to provide students 在经济资助下完成本科学业.

To be eligible for the 凯瑟琳和内森梅里克终点线奖学金, you must:

  • 注册课程
  • 剩下的课程不超过四门
  • 最少2个.5 GPA
  • 证明经济需要



The 持续进步奖学金 is awarded to continuing undergraduate students who have completed at least 12 hours with SPS, earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0岁并证明有经济需要.

你必须在申请截止日期前注册课程 and can reapply for 每学期的奖励. 此外,你应该:

  • 在过去的五个学期中有四个学期完成了课程
  • Be registered 申请奖学金的学期内的课程
  • 学业成绩良好,无突出不完整成绩





The Dean’s Emergency Scholarship is a nonrenewable award for undergraduate or graduate students who can demonstrate a substantial financial need that poses a threat to the 完成课程. 将考虑那些已经筋疲力尽的人 所有其他经济援助. 你必须在申请截止日期前注册课程. 此外,你应该:

  • Be registered 申请奖学金的学期内的课程
  • 能够提供经济困难或紧急情况的证明文件



的最后期限: You can apply at any point in the term when there is a qualifying emergency.


The 研究生成功奖学金 is available to graduate students in the 证明有经济需要的专业研究学校.

To be eligible for the 研究生成功奖学金, you must meet the following 申请时的准则:

  • Be seeking a master’s degree in applied analytics or leadership and organizational 发展.
  • Have completed six graduate credit hours 在专业研究学院.
  • 获得最低累积绩点3分.0.
  • 证明经济需要(1).e. 获得少于50%的学费 来自雇主).
  • 学业成绩良好,没有不完整的成绩.

可用性:根据可用资金而定 and a number of qualified applicants.


奖励金额:根据可用资金而定 and number of qualified applicants.

要符合资格, students must complete the application and a 500-word essay that addresses the question: "How do you plan to utilize your graduate education to further yourself 个人和专业,回馈社会?"


This non-renewable 奖学金 is awarded to one fully admitted full-time or part-time 面临健康挑战的本科生. 奖学金被授予 根据学生的生活经历和个人陈述.

To be eligible for the 拉蒂莎·巴雷菲尔德纪念奖学金, you must submit a 300-500 word essay describing the challenging situation you are facing at the time.


奖励金额: $500


The 专业进修学院 (SPS) 服务及传教奖学金 is awarded to SPS undergraduate students with financial need who exhibit leadership skills and service to their families, colleagues or 社区 that align with the mission of SPS和博彩网址大全

  • 至少有3个.0 SPS或转学GPA.
  • Submit a 300- to 500-word essay describing your leadership to your families, colleagues 和社区
  • Be available for an interview with the 奖学金 committee, if appropriate.


奖励金额: $500 to $1,000

Steven N. 戴安娜·M. 使役动词奖学金

This nonrenewable 奖学金 is awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student 在专业研究学院. 奖学金以社区为基础颁发 服务、财务需求和质量目标的陈述.

To be eligible for the Steven and Diana 使役动词奖学金, you must also:

  • 注册他们所申请的学期的课程.
  • 完成必要的数学或英语分班考试
  • Submit a 300- to 500-word essay describing recent 社区 service activities and how your 博彩网址大全 education will assist you with similar activities in the future


奖励金额: $500 to $1,000



The 酿造科学与操作奖学金 is awarded to a new or continuing SPS undergraduate student pursuing a  brewing science and operations certificate. 资格 is based on financial need and the quality of a personal statement essay.

To be eligible for the Brewing Science and Operations Scholarship, applicants must 在申请时符合以下附加条件:

  • 攻读酿造科学和操作证书
  • Submit a 300- to 500-word essay addressing the following: "Present a personal statement 你对酿酒行业的承诺或兴趣. 具体列出如何 这项奖学金将促进你的教育重点的特定领域. 此外, discuss the characteristics or skills that will allow you to succeed in this field 以及未来你打算如何回馈这个行业."
  • 证明有经济需要.



奖励金额: $2,000. 必须在收到的学年内使用吗.


The 立即退出奖学金 provides students with financial assistance toward tuition 在博彩网址大全的大麻科学和操作证书课程. 将优先考虑 已完成“立即离境”计划的申请人.

Exit Now promotes the decriminalization of non-violent cannabis offenses and believes 这样的人应该得到第二次机会. Exit Now设立了Exit Now奖学金, 博彩网址大全的学期奖学金.


  • 注册课程 in the Cannabis Science and Operations certificate program.
  • 最少2个.5 GPA.
  • 证明经济需要.



The 情报社区学术卓越奖学金中心 is for high-performing students with demonstrated academic and/or research skills who are interested in pursuing 在情报部门工作. 每年都会有一组奖学金 be competitively awarded to students across Saint Louis University, Lincoln University 以及哈里斯-斯托州立大学.

To be eligible for the 情报社区学术卓越奖学金中心, 在申请时,你必须符合以下条件:

  • 美国公民.
  • Declared major or minor/certificate in one of the following areas: strategic intelligence, STEM or language study; or completed at least six credits of academic coursework in one or more of the following subject areas: intelligence, languages, leadership, emergency management, analytics, geospatial sciences, cybersecurity or any STEM area.
  • Must be available to participate in at least two MW-IC CAE-related University-sponsored events each year on topics related to the intelligence 社区, national security, or more general subjects such as diversity and inclusion, leadership and ethics.
  • 获得最低累积绩点3分.3. 或以上.
  • Personal statement addressing why you want to pursue a career in the United States 情报界(最多500字).
  • 不能是联邦雇员.

可用性: Varies depending on available funds and the number of qualified applicants.

奖励金额: $2,000 


The 内森和凯瑟琳·梅里克奖学金 is awarded to undergraduate students pursuing a leadership and organizational behavior degree in the School for Professional Studies.

To be eligible for the 内森和凯瑟琳·梅里克奖学金, you must meet the 以下是申请时的附加标准:

  • Be currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at the 专业进修学院
  • 我想获得组织学的学士学位


拉里·L. 科克尔安全和战略情报奖学金基金

拉里·L. Cockell Security and Strategic Intelligence (SSI) Scholarship is awarded to one or two full-time undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor's degree in security 战略情报. 奖学金不可续期,以GPA为基础 经济需求.

才有资格参加拉里·L. 科克尔安全和战略情报奖学金, you must 在申请时符合以下附加条件:

  • Be seeking a bachelor's degree in security 战略情报 (A change of 严重的可能导致没收.)
  • Submit a 300- to 500-word essay addressing the following question: "How will you use your SSI degree to further yourself personally and professionally and give back to 社区?"
  • Able to serve the 专业进修学院 by volunteering at the Security and Strategic Intelligence Panel Presentation or an equivalent of five hours of service 到SSI项目.
  • Available to complete an interview with the selection committee, if appropriate.


奖励金额: $2,500 to 5,000

Anne Haltenhof项目管理奖学金

Anne Haltenhof项目管理奖学金 is awarded annually to an undergraduate student pursuing an undergraduate degree, minor 或证书 in project management. This non-renewable 奖学金 is awarded based on financial need, fit of the project 具有职业目标和质量目标声明的管理程序.

To be eligible for the Anne Haltenhof Project Management Scholarship, you must meet 申请时须符合下列附加条件:

  • 有良好的学术成绩
  • Be seeking a minor 或证书 in project management and enrolled in at least two project management courses in the academic year the 奖学金 will be awarded
  • 证明有经济需要
  • Submit a 300- to 500-word essay addressing the following question: "How will your study of project management contribute to your immediate and long-term career plans 个人目标?"


奖励金额: $750 to $1,500


Steven and Diana Ippolito established this 奖学金 to benefit an undergraduate student working in or entering the health care industry in the School for Professional Studies.

To be eligible for the Diana, Alice, Emily, and Cecelia Ippolito Health Care Scholarship, you must 在申请时符合以下附加条件:

  • 至少3分.博彩网址大全累积GPA为0
  • Completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the academic year for 你正在申请的
  • Submit a 300- to 500-word essay addressing the following: "Describe your interest in the health care field and how your 博彩网址大全 education will assist you in meeting your 未来的医疗保健目标."

可用性:每学年选出一名获奖者. 学生必须重新申请续签 奖学金.

奖励金额: $1,500


The 网络安全的奖学金 is awarded to one or two 专业进修学院 undergraduate 攻读与网络安全密切相关领域学位的学生. 不可再生的 奖学金是根据GPA和经济需求颁发的.

To be eligible for the 奖学金, you must meet the following additional criteria 在申请时:

  • Be seeking a degree closely related to the field of cybersecurity  (CIS, SSI)
  • 累积平均成绩不低于3分.0
  • Submit a 300- to 500-word essay addressing the following question: "How will you use your degree to further yourself personally and professionally and give back to the 社区?"
  • Be able to provide service to the 专业进修学院 by volunteering at the CIS/SSI Cybersecurity event each spring or an equivalent of four hours of service 到程序中.
  • 报名参加你所申请的学期的课程.

可用性: 每学年选出一至两位获奖者.

奖励金额: $500 - $1,000



  • 登录你的My博彩网址大全
  • 点击“工具”选项卡
  • Click on the "Scholarship Suite" icon (white icon with a lime green circle in the middle)
  • Complete the general application questions upon entering the site (the system will 引导你到你想申请的具体奖学金)


  • 所有需要的正式成绩单都提交给SPS了吗
  • Have a current Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file with the Office 学生财务服务
  • Receive less than the equivalent of nine credit hours ($5,400) in tuition assistance per year (This does not include grants or loans received through the FAFSA.)
  • Although not a requirement for applying, it is also recommended that you complete 尽快进行必要的分班测试.