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研究 at Saint Louis University is steeped in more than 200 年 of history that 指引我们的未来. From the discovery of the life-saving properties of vitamin K to the development of groundbreaking vaccines, 博彩网址大全 researchers explore new frontiers 解决我们这个时代最棘手的问题.


The work of 博彩网址大全 research is compassionate, transformative 和 innovative.

As one of only nine Catholic universities with a “higher” or highest” research activity designation from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, 博彩网址大全’s research strengths span the academic 光谱, from drug discovery to geospatial technology, from health care law to the digital humanities. 博彩网址大全是联邦仅有的九所大学之一 资助 疫苗和治疗评估单位(VTEU) in the United States, placing the 大学 on the frontline of the global fight 预防传染病.

All of this research reflects our University's Jesuit values 和 our desire to care for the most vulnerable members of our society. 我们研究人员的工作涉及 the greatest issues facing our world today, while striving to help our local community 在圣. Louis grow into a more equitable 和 innovative one.

博彩网址大全研究所 was established in fall 2018 to support this transformative work, following the largest philanthropic gift in the University’s 200-year history5000万美元. 珍妮和雷克斯·辛克菲尔德. 经过10年的研究 Institute will place 博彩网址大全 on the path to becoming the world’s leading Jesuit research 大学. Since it's establishment, the 研究 Institute has put millions of dollars into the h和s of our researchers 和 enabled the 大学 to recruit 和 retain 最高水平的研究人员. 


In 2002, Saint Louis University joined visionaries who predicted St. 路易可能会成为 a hub of bioscience 和 technology innovation, founding Cortex, an innovation community fueling scientific discovery, entrepreneurism 和 economic growth in the region. 我们的 研究及创新小组 is located in the heart of the Cortex 和 turns 博彩网址大全 discoveries into startups that aim to cure deadly pulmonary fibrosis, alleviate pain without addiction, treat cancer, 诊断丙型肝炎 更有效地为飞机提供燃料.

2019年5月, we joined our partners at Washington University 在圣. 路易斯创立了colab, a shared space in the heart of Cortex to harness our research 和 talent generation capabilities to accelerate innovation 和 growth.


博彩网址大全 is a comprehensive research 大学, our research interests span the academic 光谱. Below is just a sample of our unique areas of distinction. 欲了解更多信息,请 了解更多关于 博彩网址大全研究所的最新消息 和 在推特上关注我们.


The ongoing opioid crisis is one of the most devastating public health crises of the 21st century, with the number of opioid-related deaths quadrupling in the last 20 年. At Saint Louis University, an interdisciplinary group of researchers is working 寻求富有同情心和创新性的解决方案.



As the Novel Coronavirus (新型冠状病毒肺炎) continues to cause disruptions across the country, researchers at Saint Louis University are mobilizing to curb the p和emic 和 mitigate 它的影响. Over 40 student 和 faculty researchers from 20 departments are studying 这一流行病及其更广泛的影响. 

博彩网址大全 has launched a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 研究 website to share up-to-date information on 博彩网址大全's 研究及影响. 



Saint Louis University is best equipped to tackle the food-related challenges facing 今天我们的城市和我们的世界. 食物 research at 博彩网址大全 brings together leading experts from a variety of fields, from the national 和 social sciences to the humanities, 要回答这个问题: How can we continue to feed a growing population in an equitable 和 sustainable manner?



地理空间 science is a multibillion-dollar industry, researchers at Saint Louis 大学带头把圣. 路易成为全国地理空间中心 研究与创新.

研究 in Focus: 地理空间科学与技术


我们是谁?? 我们为什么在这里? 作为一个社会,我们看重什么? These are just a few of the big questions that researchers 和 scholars in the humanities are tackling at Saint Louis University to help us better underst和 ourselves 和 我们在世界上的位置.



Saint Louis University is a national leader in vaccine research 和 development. 博彩网址大全 researchers in this area are on the frontlines of the fight against several deadly 疾病,包括新型冠状病毒肺炎. 



博彩网址大全 is in the process of identifying 和 investing in collaborative programs that will establish 博彩网址大全 as a leading destination for research, training, innovation 在给定的主题或领域.

大创意大赛 builds on this goal of creating 大学-wide strategic research priorities. 支持 by the 研究 Institute, the competition offers increasing levels of investment for projects that demonstrate broad faculty engagement, strong leadership, compelling 研究计划.

There have been several rounds of the 伟大的想法 competition thus far. 第一轮 ended in April 2018; eight projects received planning grants 和 four were endorsed 由研究发展委员会负责. 最新一轮 ended in May 2019; two projects received planning grants 和 three were endorsed 由研究发展委员会负责. 这些项目的综合列表 可以在这里查看.

地理空间研究所(Geo博彩网址大全), which launched in fall 2019, began as one of these 伟大的想法. 自推出以来, Geo博彩网址大全 has brought together experts in the interdisciplinary field of geospatial science 和 attracted significant research funding to the University.