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Satisfactory Academic Progress

联邦和州法规要求教育机构测量学生的 quantitative and qualitative progress toward a declared educational objective.

博彩网址大全建立了以下标准来衡量学生的能力 academic progress. These standards will be applied uniformly to all students when 决定他们是否有资格获得联邦、州和大学管理的基金 和/或其他资金,无论学生以前是否收到过这些资金.

Maximum Attempted Enrollment Credit Hours Time Frame

学生可以注册完成的最大尝试注册学分 their University program of study must not exceed 180 attempted enrollment credit hours for the completion of a 120-credit-hour degree program. For students who transfer 进入大学,180个尝试博彩网址大全学分的上限包括尝试 在其他学院/大学修过的被本校认可的学时 as transfer credit.

对于需要少于或多于120学分的学位/证书的学术课程 完成,完成课程的最大尝试注册学分为 150 percent of required credit hours for the program.

Completion Percentage

为了在完成学位的过程中保持可衡量的进步,学生必须 成功完成所有尝试学时的67%(尝试学时包括 repeated courses, dropped courses, withdrawals and incomplete courses).

Qualitative Requirement: Cumulative University Grade Point Average (GPA)

Students must also maintain a cumulative University GPA of 2.00 to demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress. The University cumulative 2.00 GPA requirement applies to all federal/state 学生援助计划和某些大学奖学金计划,详情见下文 each scholarship/award program.

某些大学奖学金/奖励计划要求更高的最低大学成绩 累积绩点必须保持,以保持续期资格 to other program requirements. See each scholarship/award program description for 最低续签大学累积GPA要求,其他要求和 maximum duration of award eligibility.

换专业,重修和补习课程,未完成,退学和第二学位 Coursework

如果学生改变学位课程,那么修过的课程就没有帮助 to the new degree program do not count toward the 150 percent requirement.

任何补习课程(包括英语作为第二语言课程)都不是 对150%的完成时间框架做出贡献,但被计入 qualitative 2.00 GPA requirement.

任何非学分课程、重修课程或未完成的课程 或撤回是对定量和定性措施的计数 for calculating SAP.

任何攻读第二学位课程的学生都要遵守150%的时间 frame and the 2.00 cumulative GPA requirements.

Monitoring Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements

Federal Title IV/State Eligibility

自2011年7月起,在每学期结束时,学生的学习成绩将被取消 be reviewed for satisfactory academic progress. If a student exceeds the maximum attempted 联邦第四章/州资格的博彩网址大全时间要求,学生 是否会被终止接受联邦第四章/州基金用于未来的博彩网址大全 periods.

如果学生未能达到最低累积GPA要求或没有获得 联邦第四章/州资格的最低学时数,该学生 will be on academic progress warning for the succeeding semester. If at the end of 在警告学期内,学生累计成绩仍低于学校最低学分的 GPA requirement of 2.00, and/or has not earned sufficient credit hours, the student's 未来博彩网址大全的学生将不再有资格获得联邦第四章/州援助 periods.

University Scholarships and Awards

每学年(春季招生期)结束时,学生的学业成绩 record will be reviewed for satisfactory academic progress.

如果学生未能达到最低累积GPA要求,该学生将被取消 be on academic progress provisional status for the succeeding academic year. If at 临时学年结束时,学生的GPA仍然低于要求; 根据奖学金/奖励计划的最低累积GPA,学生的 申请大学奖学金/奖励的资格将被终止 periods.

Reestablishing Aid Eligibility

Students cannot reestablish aid eligibility only by remaining out for one or more semesters. Students can reestablish eligibility by enrolling for one or more semesters 在没有财政援助资金的帮助下达到所要求的最低标准 by the SAP policy.

被终止第四章、州和/或大学奖学金的学生的上诉程序 and Award Eligibility

被终止获得联邦第四章/州和/或大学奖学金/奖励的学生 课程因未能达到令人满意的学业进度要求而可能被取消 appeal this termination in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • An Appeal for Termination of Saint Louis University Scholarship 表格必须提交给学生金融服务办公室,并将被审查 by the appeal committee.
  • 申请联邦第四章援助的上诉表格必须由教师导师或学术人员签署 advisor signifying that a written academic plan is approved and in place.
  • 情有可原的情况包括家庭成员死亡、生病或受伤,或 other circumstances beyond the student's control. Appropriate documentation of the circumstance must be provided.
  • 上诉必须包括一份声明,说明学生为什么没有达到SAP标准,并提供一份证明 解释是什么改变让学生达到SAP标准 end of the next evaluation period.
  • 因转专业、第二专业而达到最大时限的学生 或额外的学位将通过上诉逐案评估 process.
  • Incomplete appeals will not be reviewed.

关于上诉委员会,我们将通过博彩网址大全的电子邮件帐户与学生联系 decision. Students whose appeals are approved will be awarded aid conditionally based on their academic plan. The terms and conditions of the appeal approval will be included in the appeal approval email.

Regaining Eligibility For Students Terminated From Title IV Aid

学生不能仅仅通过不参加其中一项而重新获得援助资格 or more semesters. 

学生可以通过注册一个或多个学期来重新获得援助资格 财政援助资金的援助,同时提高他们的学术地位,以满足 最低标准,包括但不限于GPA和课程完成速度, required by the university SAP policy outlined above.

学生可以申请联邦或州援助,同时在SAP政策方面取得进展 提出终止联邦、州和大学奖学金/财政的上诉 Aid Eligibility form with student financial services.