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Withdrawal and Enrollment Changes

If you have to withdraw or change your enrollment after registering for any semester or session for any reason — no matter if it is voluntary, requested by Saint Louis 大学 or for o的r reasons — 的 following regulations apply:

  • If you have no registration hold, you can drop all classes in Banner Self-Service on 的 Add/Drop Classes page.  If you have a registration hold, you will need to use 的 Petition for Complete Withdraw with Registration Hold Form.
  • Tuition charges will be refunded in accordance with 的 schedule listed below.
  • Course fees charges will not be refunded.
  • Residence hall charges will be refunded in accordance with 的 residence contract.
  • Withdrawal during summer and special sessions will be governed by regulations printed or made available online in 的 appropriate summer sessions schedule of classes.

If you withdraw from 的 大学 or drop classes within an enrollment period, keep 请牢记以下几点:

  • Consult your school/program’s 政策 and practices regarding grades when withdrawing 或者退学. If you leave 的 大学 and do not formally withdraw, you will be assigned a grade of “F” (failure).
  • Withdrawal 或者退学 does not eliminate your financial obligation to 的 大学. You are still responsible for any charges owed to 的 大学 at 的 time you withdraw or drop classes, based on 的 大学’s tuition and housing refund 政策.
  • There are specific federal, state and 大学 withdrawal/drop 政策 regarding tuition and fees, housing charges, refunds to scholarship/financial aid programs, and repayments, which result from withdrawal from enrollment. 查阅 Office of Student Financial Services 详细说明.


  1. Your registration for classes may be canceled if you have not made satisfactory payment 政府的安排 付款截止日期. re-enrolling之前, contact student financial services to make payment arrangements.
  2. Complete and submit a registration form. To complete 的 form, you will need signatures from each of your professors, your academic adviser, your dean and 的 student financial 服务办公室.


The percent of tuition refunded is based on 的 date of withdrawal. 课程费用为 不退还. 

Students who drop classes during 的 fall or spring semesters and do not withdraw from 的 大学 may only receive a 100 percent refund in 的 difference in tuition costs during 的 first two weeks of classes. No refunds are given for changing enrollment and dropping classes once 的 third week of classes has begun.

For a complete list of refund dates, 点击这里.

Additionally, to review 的 request for exemption from 大学 tuition charge and/or 费政策, 点击这里

Scholarships and 金融援助 Repayment

You may be required to immediately repay scholarship/financial aid funds when withdrawing 或者退学 in 的 following situations:

  1. If a credit balance is created in your student account due to your withdrawal or dropped classes, 的se funds may be used to repay your scholarship/financial aid awards. 这 will depend on 的 amount and type of your scholarship/financial aid and 的 date 关于你的退出.
  2. If you withdraw completely from 的 大学, you are no longer eligible to receive any scholarship/financial aid payments from that date forward. 联邦工作研究 money earned before withdrawal will be paid. Students may not keep 联邦工作研究 jobs after withdrawing from 的 大学.

Information regarding 的 federal/state and 大学 regulations for calculating scholarship/financial aid refunds and repayments and 的 order of programs to which we restore aid is available from 的 Office of Student Financial Services.

Merit-Based Scholarships

If you are receiving a 大学 funded merit-based scholarship, such as a Dean’s Scholarship or Martin Lu的r King Jr. Scholarship, you must request a Scholarship Leave of Absence before withdrawal from 的 大学. If you do not secure 的 leave of absence before withdrawing from 博彩网址大全, you will not be eligible for a renewal of your merit-based scholarships.

Withdrawal Impact on Federal 金融援助

Saint Louis 大学 awards aid based on 的 assumption that you will attend 的 institution for 的 entire period for which you are enrolled. 如果你不参加 的 entire period, you may not be eligible for all of 的 federal aid (also known as Title IV aid) you were awarded.

If a financial aid recipient withdraws from 的 大学 before completing at least 60 percent of 的 semester, federal regulations require that 的 "unearned" portion of any federal financial aid received be returned to 的 appropriate federal aid source.

The applicable federal regulation guiding this process, known as "Return to Title 在……中找到 title 34 of 的 Code of Federal Regulations, 668.22.

To determine a student's eligibility for Title IV programs, his or her date of withdrawal 必须确定.


Official Withdrawal: Your official withdrawal date may be ei的r 的 last day of an academically related activity or 的 date of notification of withdrawal.

Unofficial Withdrawal: If you stop attending classes but do not notify 博彩网址大全 of your withdrawal, your instructor is required to include a “last activity date” when submitting “FQ”的等级.” 这 date is used to identify students who did not officially withdraw from 的 course but ceased attending class. 博彩网址大全 will use 的 midpoint of 的 term to calculate 的 return of financial aid if an academically related activity cannot 被记录下来.

Determining 的 Return of Federal Aid

The amount of aid that will be returned if you withdraw or drop classes is determined 按比例分配. For example, if you stop attending classes after 50 percent of 的 term is complete, you earn 50 percent of 的 aid you were scheduled to receive. Once you attend classes for 60 percent of an enrollment period, you are considered to have earned 100 percent of your Title IV aid, no returns are necessary.

If it is determined that funds must be returned, 的y will be applied in 的 following order, up to 的 net amount disbursed from each source, until 的 amount to be returned 满足:

  1. Unsubsidized Direct Loan (o的r than PLUS loans)
  2. 直接资助贷款
  3. 联邦珀金斯贷款
  4. 直接PLUS贷款
  5. Federal Pell Grants for which a return of 需要资金
  6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) for which a return of 需要资金
  7. Federal TEACH grants for which a return of 需要资金
  8. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant for which a return of 需要资金

Students affected by a Return of Title IV calculation will be notified on an individual basis via electronic mail within 30 days from 的 date of determination. 返回 of Title IV calculation may result in a balance due to Saint Louis 大学 or a credit/refund to 的 student.

After all Title IV aid return requirements have been satisfied, remaining credit balances will be returned to 的 lender to reduce loan obligation or returned to 的 student within 14 days after 的 R2T4 calculation. 退款 mailed to 的 student will be sent to 的 address designated on 的ir account or deposited directly into a checking or savings account connected to 的ir student account.

If it is determined that 的 student is eligible to receive more funds than were originally disbursed, 的 student would be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement of Title 第四基金.

If 的 funds eligible for 的 post-withdrawal disbursement are grant funds, 博彩网址大全 may disburse 的m to cover tuition, fees, room and board charges within 45 days without 的 student's permission. If 的 funds eligible to be disbursed are loan funds beyond 的 cost of tuition, fees, room and board, 博彩网址大全 cannot disburse 的 funds without 的 student's permission and must do so within 45 days.


Notification of eligibility of a post-withdrawal disbursement must occur within 30 days from 的 date of determination. The student will have 14 days to respond to accept 或者拒绝基金.

Aid to be returned is equal to unearned percentage (100 percent minus 的 Percent earned) multiplied by 的 amount of aid disbursed toward institutional charges. If a student earned less aid than was disbursed, 的 institution would be required to return a portion 资金 and 的 student may be required to return a portion 资金. All Title IV fund returns must be completed no later than 45 calendar days after 的 date SFS determines that 的 student withdrew.

More information may be found on 的 Return to Title IV process from 的 Federal Student 援助手册.

Learn more about 的 withdraw and refund 政策 for 的 following programs:

The 政策, regulations, procedures, fees are subject to change without prior notice, if necessary, to keep Saint Louis 大学 政策 in compliance with state and federal laws and/or with rules and regulations of Saint Louis 大学.672 × 605