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International 奖学金

作为一名计划在博彩网址大全学习法律的国际学生,金融 arrangements must be met before studies begin.

如果你需要资助你的教育费用,有三个来源 资助探索:国际学生私人奖学金,私人学生 loans, possibly federal student loans. 审查 the eligibility criteria for each 在完成申请之前确定您是否符合资格的资金来源.

定律二.M. Diversity Scholarship

资格要求:博彩网址大全法学院(博彩网址大全 Law)很高兴 宣布LL.M. 在美国法律的外国律师奖学金颁发给应届毕业生 来自历史上处于不利地位和边缘群体的法律专业学生(例如.g.LGBTQIA + 身份,残疾人,难民身份,在美国的庇护身份.S.,土著 heritage, national and religious minorities).

博彩网址大全 LAW将提供一(1)份全额学费奖学金和三(3)份30%学费减免奖学金 scholarships to extraordinary LL.M. applicants who meet the 博彩网址大全 LAW admission requirements 并在一篇500字的文章中成功地解释他们的身份是如何与 their life and future goals. Please include the essay as a separate document in your application submission titled, “LL.M. in American Law for Foreign Lawyers scholarship 文章.“一定要在文件的顶部写上你的名字和身份信息 (i.e., name, address, contact information, date). 

希望获得奖学金的学生应提交完整的申请材料 在2月1日之前申请该学年秋季学期的课程 beginning in August.

Private 奖学金 for International 学生

许多国家和国际组织为国际学生提供奖学金 想要在美国继续学业的学生. 奖学金是 funds that do not require repayment.

博彩网址大全为国际学生提供了一份奖学金清单 学生. 博彩网址大全 does not administer these programs. The awarding organizations determine requirements and 最后期限. If interested in applying for a scholarship, contact the 尽早组织申请,截止日期和要求.

Please note that this should not be considered a comprehensive listing; additional private scholarships might be available. Check information online, but use caution. 记住,你不需要花钱来获得奖学金和其他经济援助. Find further information here to 避免诈骗.

邀请美国和外国学生审查这些国际奖学金 机会. Please contact the listed reference for additional information.


资格要求:申请人必须是丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、 挪威或瑞典. 该奖项旨在鼓励先进的学习和研究 understanding between the U.S. 和斯堪的纳维亚. Please contact the ASF’s cooperating 有关资格、奖励规模和申请的具体信息 最后期限. 请访问 the website linked below for more information.

American-Scandinavian Foundation
New York, NY 10016
Phone: (212) 879-9779
电子邮件: American-Scandinavian Foundation
网络: American-Scandinavian Foundation Awards

P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund

Eligibility Requirements: The P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund provides 向美国和加拿大以外寻求经济援助的妇女提供经济援助 获得美国认可的学院或大学的高级学位.S. 或者加拿大 期望学生将回到他们的祖国利用他们的 education to make a positive impact and foster global peace. To qualify for her first 奖学金,申请者必须有一整年的剩余课程才能博彩网址大全 and in residence for the entire school year. A student who is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada is not eligible.

注:仅允许为税务目的而居留的学生. 奖学金是 不适用于在线课程、研究、实习或实践培训 combined with coursework. Applications are accepted between September 15 through December 15. The maximum amount awarded to a student is $12,500. Lesser amounts may be awarded according to individual needs. 请访问 the website linked below for more information.

P.E.O International Peace Scholarship Fund
P.E.O Executive Office
Des Moines, IA 50312
Phone: (515) 255-3153
网络: P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship


资格要求:任何17岁或以上的美国公民,有证明 对挪威传统和/或任何挪威公民,年龄有浓厚而真诚的兴趣 17岁或以上,对美国传统有兴趣. Norwegian graduate 或提供在认可的教育机构注册证明的本科生 institution in the United States. Provide a short autobiography, 150 words or less, 以及一篇500字以内的文章,论述以下关键点:

  • 描述这项奖学金将如何帮助你实现你的职业目标.
  • 解释一下你为什么选择你的学习领域,以及你希望通过这个领域达到什么目的 你的职业生涯.
  • 分享参与过的志愿者、学校和/或社区活动等 involvement has taught you.  
  • 说明你的学习项目/课程或未来计划如何与以下至少一项相一致 the following core values of the foundation:
    • (1) Building the heritage of the future
    • (2) Sustaining the link to contemporary Norway
    • (3) Committing to life-long learning and service
    • (4) Preserving compassion for those in need
    • (5) Funding innovative individuals and 机会
    • (6) Fostering a cohesive community of generosity.
  • 解释这项奖学金将如何帮助你在你的大学进一步研究你的遗产 chosen institution.
  • 说明你将如何与挪威之子或更广泛的挪威裔美国人分享这一经历 观众. 

Multiple scholarships are awarded annually for up to $3,000 each. 最后期限 提交完整的申请和所有必需的元素是3月1日. 请访问 the website linked below for more information.

挪威之子 Foundation
1455 W. 湖街
Minneapolis, MN 55408
(612) 827-3611
Questions may be directed to the Foundation at

网络: 挪威之子 Foundation

Private Student Loans

私人贷款是为信誉良好的借款人(学生、家长)提供的教育贷款 or other) that is offered by banks and other organizations. You may borrow from any 你选择的贷款机构,不需要使用博彩网址大全的贷款机构 preferred lender list. 博彩网址大全将处理任何贷款人的贷款 延迟. 博彩网址大全建议重新考虑你的选择,包括联邦政府 loans, before applying for private loans.

点击以下链接,您将被引导离开博彩网址大全的网站. 审查 博彩网址大全's preferred lender list for international 学生: International Student Loan Preferred Lender List.

Federal Student Loans

持F1或F2学生签证,J1或J2交流访问学者签证的国际学生 or a G series visa do not qualify for federal student loans. 然而,美国.S. 部门 教育局向一些符合条件的非公民提供联邦学生贷款. 找到更多的 信息 eligibility criteria for non-citizens.

应用 for Federal Student Aid

Additional Resources

有关国际奖学金的更多信息,请与颁发机构联系 organization directly for specific 机会. Alternatively, contact Assistant Director of Student Financial Services & Financial Education Jessica Seavers (杰西卡 for additional assistance. 

博彩网址大全法学院长期致力于国际法律的研究和实践 and comparative law. 通过 Center for International and Comparative Law (CICL),我们的教师和学生从事各种国际活动. 的CICL 中心提供强大的国际和比较法课程,令人兴奋的研究 and research 机会 outside the U.S., meaningful access to experienced faculty and a dedicated network of alums. 

找到更多的 information regarding admission to the LL.M. in American Law for Foreign Lawyers and Two-Year J.D. for Foreign Lawyers on our 学术项目 页面.


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