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博彩网址大全-Madrid seeks students who want to learn about the world through their academic coursework and interact with an internationally diverse community. 成为…的一部分 more than 200-year tradition of scholarship and service and apply for admission.


The admission process at Saint Louis University — Madrid is highly personalized and focused on student success; we look at each applicant to determine their preparation 还有大学水平工作的潜力.

我们是来帮忙的. 联络我们: admissions-madrid@fc-daudenzell.com 了解更多有关录取程序的信息.


Create an account in the 博彩网址大全-Madrid 应用门户 or use the 常见的应用程序lication.

你可以 log back into your admissions portal, the Billiken Gateway, to upload documents 随时查看你的状态.

The deadlines below reflect a complete application in which all supporting documentation has been received; you may upload your academic credentials after application submission via 常见的应用程序 or your 应用门户, so long as you meet deadlines.

Deadlines for applicants who require a Spanish student visa:

  • 秋季:5月1日
  • 春天:9月. 1

Deadlines for applicants who do not require a Spanish student visa:

  • 秋天:8月. 1
  • 春天:12月. 1

We encourage you to apply sooner to leave ample time to secure a student visa, if 需要,并避免注册过程延迟.

For deadline extension requests, contact the 招生办公室 at admissions-madrid@fc-daudenzell.com.


提交以下证明文件. 正式成绩单和其他学术成绩 credentials can be uploaded directly to your application via 常见的应用程序 or your 博彩网址大全 应用门户.

Documents may also be sent through secure services such as Parchment to admdocs-madrid@fc-daudenzell.com.

  • Personal Essay: As part of the online application, you will write a 500-word essay 在线申请中指定的主题.
  • Official High School Transcripts or Academic Records: Seniors must submit a current 成绩单. You must supply your final 成绩单 and proof of graduation if you have 高中毕业.
  • 英语语言要求: Non-native English speakers who have not studied all 在美国大学待了四年.S. high school must provide 博彩网址大全-Madrid evidence of proficiency in 学术英语. 咨询我们的 英语语言要求 浏览更多信息.
  • Standardized Test Scores: Saint Louis University — Madrid is SAT/ACT test-optional 对于在美国学习的学生.S. 教育系统. 如果你觉得你标准化了 test results do not represent your abilities and potential for future academic success, you may choose not to submit your SAT and/or ACT scores. 你不会处于不利地位 in the admission process if you do not send test scores.
  • Additional Items for Consideration: While not required for admission, you may submit the following items for 考虑 if you feel they strengthen your application:
    • 推荐信
    • 简历/简历
    • 博彩网址大全面试

Check your admissions portal, the Billiken Gateway, frequently to see what has been 收到了,还缺什么.


If you would like your SAT/ACT scores considered with your application, 博彩网址大全-Madrid will accept both official and self-reported test scores for admission and merit-scholarship 考虑.

Official test scores may be submitted in any of the following ways:

  • 直接从测试机构发送. slu -马德里的学校代码是2586 (SAT), 5291 (ACT)和7763(托福).
  • 由你的高中辅导员通过电子邮件发送到 admdocs-madrid@fc-daudenzell.com 或者通过正式的学校成绩单.

Self-reported test scores* may be submitted in any of the following ways:

  • Enter scores in the testing section of the 常见的应用程序lication.
  • Submit screenshots or scanned copies of score reports to admdocs-madrid@fc-daudenzell.com.

*The 招生办公室 reserves the right to rescind an admissions offer if discrepancies 在自我报告的分数中发现.


博彩网址大全-Madrid welcomes your application during your final year of secondary school, even if your final 成绩 and/or test scores are unavailable until the summer before enrollment. In this case, we will review the academic materials you send and make an admissions decision, contingent on receiving your final 成绩 and test scores, if applicable.


  • Spanish Education System: Applicants from Spanish high schools must submit their secondary school 成绩 (3º ESO, 4º ESO, 1º Bachillerato, 2º Bachillerato) and EVAU results, 当可用的.
  • International Baccalaureate: International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program candidates must submit their high school 成绩单s (two years prior to IB, IB1 and IB2) and IB期末成绩. Predicted scores may be sent if final scores are not yet available.
  • French Education System: Applicants studying in the French system must submit their last three years of Baccalaureate (1º, 2º and Terminale) and the 相关的de notes du Bac 当可用的.
  • British Education System: Applicants studying under the British system must submit 他们的A-/AS-level成绩和GCSE或IGCSE成绩. 预测的A-/ as -水平分数可能 be sent if final marks are unavailable during the application period.
  • Other: Applicants studying in other educational systems must present their secondary 学校成绩单和其他文件(i.e. 国家博彩网址大全考试成绩或 school leaving certificate) that would qualify them to attend university in their 原产国. For more information, contact 你的招生顾问.

Your application will be considered complete when the online application and all other 已提交必要或可选文件. 招生办公室开始了 reviewing applications for the subsequent fall semester on Nov. 1(春季4月1日). After that date, once your application is complete, we will notify you about your 电子邮件录取决定.

If your final 成绩 or test scores are unavailable until after the application period, we will review your application based on your latest high school 成绩单s and predicted 成绩.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to 你的招生顾问.