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为了在博彩网址大全-Madrid获得IT服务,需要学生,教师和工作人员 to comply with the information technology rules and policies.

通过访问博彩网址大全-Madrid帐户,您同意遵守博彩网址大全-Madrid IT规则和 policies. Noncompliance could result in disciplinary action or criminal proceedings.

Computer Laboratories Code of Conduct

目前,所有学生都可以从任何通用用途访问互联网 实验室,并可使用任何与他们相关的互联网设施和资源 coursework. However, unauthorized access to, or attempts to access, any networks or 您没有正确授权帐户的系统或公共Internet 根据马德里大学的规定和信息技术,获取信息构成犯罪 rules. Unauthorized access, or attempts to access, may therefore result in disciplinary measures being taken.

  • 实验室仅用于与开展研究有关的活动 at the University.
  • 您的帐户仅供您自己使用,您必须采取一切合理的预防措施 to prevent anyone else from using them for any purpose.
  • 首次登录时,应立即将初始密码更改为密码 that you will easily remember and that is not easy to guess or to break. Learn how to compose passwords.
  • 您只能在完成课程要求的必要情况下使用您的帐户。 even if you have the capability to do otherwise.
  • 大学保留访问任何学生存储在大学的文件的权利 servers without prior notification. Also, the University can and will delete any data stored there that is deemed inappropriate.
  • 您不得使用博彩网址大全提供的计算机来存储任何不需要的数据 the requirements of your course.
  • 您不得试图非法使用任何其他帐户或文件夹 allocated for your personal use.
  • 如果实验室协调员要求,您必须提供身份证明 or staff member of the IT department.
  • 不上课的学生必须在老师的要求下离开实验室 lecturer who has that laboratory booked for a class.
  • 损坏、移除、使设备失效或使设备看起来失效 any laboratory is prohibited.
  • Smoking, eating or drinking in the laboratories is prohibited.
  • 干扰其他用户合理访问或使用的行为 设备(如制造干扰、制造噪音或进入) during classes) is prohibited.
  • 你必须遵守有关骚扰和恐吓行为的纪律规定.
  • 使用实验室进行或涉及构成性骚扰的行为 包括无端地使用或展示带有性内涵的图片或物品 is prohibited.
  • Use of the laboratories for private gain is prohibited.
  • 复制可能受版权法约束的任何软件或其他数据; 或者违反了博彩网址大全-Madrid被允许使用该软件的许可 is prohibited.

如果学生违反了这些规则,IT人员或实验室协调员可能会询问 the person to leave the laboratories as a first disciplinary measure.

博彩网址大全 Email Policy

The following code sets out what is considered acceptable behavior for the use of your 博彩网址大全 email.

你的学生电子邮件地址是学校沟通的方式之一 with you. Note that the University may use other forms of communication such as mail, but only uses a University email address for sending you email. Information concerning 您的课程和博彩网址大全的计算设备可能会全年发送给您. 您有责任定期检查您的电子邮件或确保您的博彩网址大全邮件 is forwarded to an email address you check regularly. In other words, if you don't 使用博彩网址大全邮件,您必须将您的博彩网址大全邮件转发到您定期检查的邮件服务. This type of forwarding can be done online by using the web mail interface.

你使用大学的邮件设施,只可作正当用途; i.e. those which are consequent upon the teaching, study, research, administration or any related activity occasioned by your course of study at the University.

  • Do not subscribe your University email address to list serv and newsgroups. Instead use your personal email address.
  • Do not open any attachment without performing a virus scan before.
  • Treat the security of email messages about the same as a message on a postcard.
  • Clean your mailbox from unwanted emails to conserve disk space.
  • Do not reproduce a message in full when responding to it. This is hard for the readers and a waste of resources.
  • Do not broadcast email messages unnecessarily. It's very easy to do, but can be very annoying to recipients (and wastes resources). In particular, do not send or forward chain emails.
  • Make sure that the 'subject' field of your message is meaningful. When someone receives 很多信息,它可以是非常令人困惑和沮丧,不能判断 subject matter correctly from its subject field.
  • Do not send frivolous, abusive or defamatory messages. Apart from being discourteous or offensive, they may break the law.
  • 请记住,从你的大学帐户发送电子邮件类似于发送信件 在博彩网址大全的信笺上,所以不要说任何可能有损学校声誉或让学校难堪的话.
博彩网址大全 Network Policy

The 博彩网址大全 Network may not be used for any of the following:

  • 创作、传播或出版(除了适当监督和 任何令人反感、淫亵或不雅的图像、资料或其他资料的合法研究目的 资料,或任何能够变成淫亵或不雅图像或资料的资料.
  • 制作或传播旨在或可能引起烦恼的材料; inconvenience or needless anxiety.
  • The creation or transmission of defamatory material.
  • The importation and storage of offensive material in the form of Newsgroup items. 这包括以下组(以及可能从中产生的任何类似组) time to time):,, alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica and all subsidiary groups of the above.
  • The transmission of material that infringes the copyright of another person.
  • 向他人传送未经请求的商业或广告材料 User Organizations, or to organizations connected to other networks.
  • 故意未经授权访问通过博彩网址大全网络访问的设施或服务
  • Deliberate activities with any of the following characteristics:
    • 浪费员工的努力或网络资源,包括终端系统可访问的时间 通过博彩网址大全网络和参与支持这些系统的工作人员的努力;
    • corrupting or destroying other user's data;
    • violating the privacy of other users;
    • disrupting the work of other users;
    • 以拒绝向其他用户提供服务的方式使用博彩网址大全 Network(例如,故意的) overloading the network or switching equipment);
  • 继续使用某项联网软件或硬件后的IT部门 已要求停止使用,因为它对正确的造成干扰 functioning of 博彩网址大全 Network
  • Other misuse of network resources, such as the introduction of viruses.
  • 当博彩网址大全网络被用来访问另一个网络时,任何滥用都是可以接受的 该网络的使用政策将被视为不可接受的使用博彩网址大全网络.

学生犯了错,重复犯了错,或者违反了这些规则,都要承担责任 to a penalty set out below. If the director of the IT department finds that a student 已触犯某项罪行,署长可就该罪行决定:

  1. reprimand the person committing the offence;
  2. 暂停其使用全部或部分“资讯科技服务”; 包括(但不限于)断开与住所房间的网络连接, if it applies;
  3. close the relevant account or cancel the relevant service;
  4. impose a monetary penalty of not more than 500 euros on the person;
  5. 确定个人应向大学支付的信息损坏赔偿 Technology Services;
  6. 采取任何行动,包括(a)至(e)项指明的行动的组合.