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Formed in 2016 as a joint 教师 Senate/教务长办公室 committee, the Mid-Career 教师发展 Committee is engaged in a three-year process to identify and provide recommendations that address concerns of mid-career faculty.  (2020-2021年暂停)

The committee's work is informed by surveys of 博彩网址大全 faculty conducted through a partnership 与 Collaborative On Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), an initiative of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. 虽然博彩网址大全的 alliance with COACHE provides a strategic means of assessing, streamlining, enhancing 博彩网址大全’s faculty development efforts generally, a particular focus of the committee’s work is improved understanding of how mid-career faculty workload impacts the transition 从副教授升为正教授.  委员会工作的一个具体结果是 far is the University's institutional membership to the 国家教师发展中心 & 多样性.


1. Collect data on the number, time-in-rank and demographic characteristics (e.g., 年龄、种族、性别等.) of faculty that are currently ranked as associate professors 在博彩网址大全. Among associate professors, are there commonalities among those with time-in-rank 超过五年?

2. Through interviews, surveys, or other techniques, develop a basis for explaining why some associate professors appear to remain at that rank for extended periods of 一次,包括:

  • How many faculty seek promotion but fail to be promoted?
  • If associate professors decline to apply for promotion, what are the reasons?
  • Are promotion guidelines designed in ways that disadvantage mid-career faculty?
  • 是否缺乏寻求晋升的动力?
  • Are expectations for tenure and promotion not aligned with 晋升为正教授?
  • Do associate professors become unduly burdened with administrative or service work that impedes their ability to complete the work necessary for promotion?
  • Are there teaching expectations particular to associate professors that impede their ability to develop their scholarly and professional profile?
  • Does the university support research and creative productivity, grant-seeking, in ways that speak specifically to mid-career faculty concerns?
  • 大学关于工作/生活问题的政策(e.g.医疗和育儿假; lack of subsidized/onsite childcare; etc.)会给寻求者带来困难 晋升为正教授?
  • Can information on these issues be disaggregated by race and/or gender?
  • Does the new Provost’s 教师 Workload Policy affect the prospects for mid-career 教师晋升?

3. What does existing literature and/or practices at comparable or aspirational institutions suggest as best practices for supporting and promoting mid-career faculty?

  • Toby Benis, College of Arts and Sciences/English, Co-chair
  • 基拉·班克斯,艺术与科学/心理学学院
  • Julie Birkenmaier, College for Public Health and Social Justice/Social Work
  • 克雷格·博伊德,专业研究学院
  • Charles Croissant,大学图书馆
  • Robert Cropf, College of Arts and Sciences/Political Science
  • Scott Duellman, Richard A. 查菲兹商学院/会计
  • Roobik Gharabagi, Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology/ Department 电气与计算机工程专业
  • 山姆·乔丹,法学院的
  • Laura McLaughlin, Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing
  • 我是教育学院的凯伦·迈尔斯
  • Silvana Siddali, College of Arts and Sciences/History
  • Sara Steele, Doisy College of Health Sciences/Communication Science and Disorders
  • 康斯坦斯·瓦格纳,法学院
  • Jinsong Zhang, School of Medicine/Pharmacological and Physiological Science


  • 黛比·洛伊,教务长办公室,联合主席
  • 简·麦克沃特,医学院的
  • Matthew Christian, Office of the Vice President for 研究
  • 米里亚姆·约瑟夫,教务长办公室
  • Gina Merys, Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning


  • Mark Ferris, Chaifetz School of Business (Fall 2016-Spring 2018)
  • Christine Hachem,医学院(2017年春季)
  • 山姆·乔丹,法学院(2016年秋季- 2017年春季)
  • Jean Krampe, Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing (Fall 2016-Spring 2018)
  • Debra Lohe, Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning (Fall 2016 - Fall 2017)
  • Angela Sharkey, School of Medicine, ex-officio (Spring 2017)
  • Anders Walker, School of Law (Fall 2017 - Spring 2018)
  • Mary White, Doisy College of Health  Sciences (Fall 2016 - Spring 2017)

During the Spring of 2017, the 职业生涯中期教师发展委员会 (MCFDC) oversaw 博彩网址大全's participation in the Harvard Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) survey as part of the data-collecting phase of the committee's work. COACHE provided 博彩网址大全 the data in a form that compares our results to other participant universities, but they also gave us the raw data for our responses. 此数据已提供给我们 OIR director, who agreed to make it available only in a manner that protects the identity of the respondents (no group will be reported unless it has at least five respondents).

The COACHE survey asked questions in the following categories:

  • 工作性质:研究
  • 工作性质:教学
  • 设施及工作资源
  • 健康和退休福利
  • 协作
  • 任期的政策
  • 促销活动
  • 领导:区分
  • 领导:教师
  • 共同治理
  • 部门的参与
  • 赞赏和认可
  • 全球的满意度
  • 工作性质:服务
  • 工作性质:其他
  • 个人及家庭政策
  • 跨学科工作
  • 指导
  • 任期内清晰
  • 领导:高级
  • 领导:部门
  • 机构管治及领导
  • 部门共同掌权
  • 部门的质量
  • 招聘和保留

In addition, 博彩网址大全 participated in the optional survey modules for non-tenure track 教职员工和临床教职员工. 非终身教职教师模块提问 关于合同和晋升流程. 临床教师模块提问 关于对病人护理和临床工作的支持.

The COACHE survey can break out the results in the following demographic groups (no 系、学院等的团体.,除非至少有五个,否则将被报告 受访者):

  • 终身教职
  • 终身教职
  • 副教授
  • 女教师
  • 色彩学院
  • 少数族裔教师
  • Pre-Tenured教员
  • 正教授
  • 男性教师
  • 白老师
  • 亚洲教师
As requested by the faculty on the MCFDC in initiating this effort, requests for access to the survey data must be approved by the provost and 教师 Senate president.  If you would like to access data from part of the survey, 填妥此表格 提供并提交所需的理论依据.