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Office of Public Health Practice

博彩网址大全公共学院公共卫生实践办公室 卫生和社会正义为社区合作、实习、 alumni development, practice-based 研究 and training.

Office of Public Health photo showing a discussion

公共卫生实践被定义为:“战略性的、有组织的和跨学科的 运用必要的知识、技能和胜任能力 public health services and other activities to improve the population's health.”来源: Demonstrating Excellence in Academic Public Health Practice. Association of Schools of Public Health (June 1999)

博彩网址大全公共卫生实践办公室成立于2018年,旨在连接公共卫生 教师和学生与社区合作伙伴一起帮助改善学术公共卫生 practice, 教学 and practice-based 研究.

博彩网址大全 Office of Public Health Practice Activities

  • 促进、促进公共卫生教职员工和学生与地方、区域的联系 以及国家社区合作伙伴提供教学、研究和服务机会.
  • 创建社区与学生合作的模式,以提供持续的支持 community organization.
  • Cultivate relationships with community partners.
  • Identify new opportunities for M.P.H. internships, undergraduate service-learning opportunities, student volunteer experiences. 
  • Promote community service activities among faculty 和学生. 
  • Track community service activities among faculty 和学生. 
  • 管理 internal public health advisory board that provides advice on the implementation and evaluation of the OPHP. 成员包括 B.S.P.H. 学生,米.P.H. students, public health staff and faculty.
    • 公共卫生实践办公室内部咨询小组的宗旨 是收集学生和教师对公共卫生各个方面的观点 实践,包括培养和提高学生技能的机会, 以及最终使他们成为更强大的公共卫生专业人员的资源.
  • 管理 external public health advisory board.
    • 目的:主要是CPHSJ公共卫生实践办公室外部咨询委员会 通过向CPHSJ领导层提供建议,支持公共卫生项目(BSPH和MPH) 关于在该领域充分发挥作用所需的最新能力和技能 公共卫生,提供工作和实习机会,并就 and participating in student recruitment.
    • Composed of public health employers and preceptors; MPH alumni with 2-3 years of field experience; BSPH alumni who have graduated in the last two years; current 博彩网址大全 MPH students; 博彩网址大全 CPHSJ faculty
Public Health 校友 Engagement
  • Create and manage a system for alumni relations for the M.P.H.
  • 定期调查校友,以确定他们目前的工作,对自己准备工作的看法, and use of competencies in current job.
  • 确保纳入顾问委员会和校友调查结果,以提高 课程. 
  • 确保校友调查结果与顾问委员会共享,以便他们能够提供 input for improvement/modification.
  • Encourage alumni participation in recruitment and 教学.
Workforce Development
  • 定期为教师、学生和社区提供继续教育活动. 
  • 与公共卫生学生协会(SAPH)合作主办和共同主办 事件.
  • Collaborate with community members to provide sessions.
  • 增加为公众提供创新培训方法的机会 卫生人力资源.
  • 与提供公共卫生工作人员培训的教师和中心密切合作 to enhance the presence of training in the CPHSJ.
  • Create summer institutes related to practice, e.g., community collaboration.


  • Panel Discussion: Post-COVID Global Health with Dr. Nicholas Comninellis, INMED (Spring 2021)
  • 小组讨论:橡胶、道路与现实:公共实践项目 健康,圣. 路易县 & City with 春天施密特, St. 路易县 Department of Public Health; and Craig Schmid, City of St. 路易部门 of Public Health (Spring 2021)
  • Panel Discussion: Evidence-Informed Public Health Practice and Policy  with Dr. 罗斯 Brownson, Washington University in St. 路易(2021年春季)
  • 小组讨论:公共卫生和交通的碰撞与摩根德雷克斯勒 and Glendedora Dolce, ASPPH/NHTSA Public Health Fellows (Spring 2021)
  • “Medical Cannabis: Navigating Complex Conversations” with Stacie Zellin, M.P.H.混身起红疹;痒,, Community Education Coordinator, PreventEd (Fall 2020)
  • 小组讨论:“与社区合作和在社区工作的文化上适当的方法: Modifications During a Pandemic” with Franda Thomas (City of St. 路易部门 Rose Anderson-Rice(生成健康)和Ciearra Walker(综合健康) 网络)(2020年秋季) 
  • APHA Panel: Event-Dying Too Soon: A Look at Women's Health (Fall 2018)
  • Graduate Public Health Networking Night (Spring 2019)
  • Symposium: Making a Difference in North St. Louis(2019年春季)
  • 小组讨论:与社区合作和在社区中工作:文化上适当的方法 (2019年秋季)
  • APHA主题演讲:2020年选举的公共卫生和社会正义问题(秋季) 2019)
  • "Band-Aids, Bullets, Policy and Popcorn" by Dr. Laurie Punch (2019年秋季)
Practice-Based Teaching

以实践为基础的教学是一种应用的、跨学科的公共卫生方法 通过广泛的实践经验来提高学生能力的教育 说话. “Through practice-based 教学, student learning is meaningful, relevant, and benefits the host agencies and organizations. “Source: Demonstrating Excellence in Practice Based Teaching 公共卫生. Association of Schools of Public Health (2004年秋季) 

Office of Public Health Practice Activities

  • Promote practice-based 教学.
  • 与负责学术事务的副院长合作,以实践为基础 教学.
  • 为研究生和教师在实践中创造和指导机会 教学.
Practice-Based 研究

“基于实践的研究是对系统、方法、政策、 and programmatic applications of public health practice. This definition includes 以科学为基础的调查发生在实践环境中,如现场流行病学, 系统反思实践经验,并在一定程度上进行实验室分析 这种探究产生了可推广的知识,以改善实践的结果 or to inform policy making.” Source: Demonstrating Excellence in Practice Based 研究 公共卫生. Association of Schools of Public Health (Fall, 2006)

Office of Public Health Practice Activities

  • Promote practice-based 研究.
  • 与负责研究的副院长合作,跟踪基于实践的研究. 
  • 为学生和教师在实践中创造和指导机会 研究.

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公共卫生实践办公室是根据教职员工的意见建立起来的 和学生. For more information, contact Director of Public Health Practice 春天施密特.

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