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Common Codes and Errors

博彩网址大全的注册过程包含许多代码和缩写. 找出更多关于博彩网址大全课程信息,建筑缩略语和错误你 may encounter.

Course Attributes

如果一门课程仅限于特定人群,满足特定要求或要求 如果您有其他信息,可以在课程属性区域找到.

Restricted Attributes
  • 1818 Advanced College Credit: 本课程仅限于在1818高级学院注册的高中生 Credit program.
  • First-Year Interest Group Only: 本课程仅限于学生在个别的第一年的兴趣小组.
  • Honors Program Students Only: 本课程只限被荣誉课程录取的学生.
  • International Students Only: 这门课程只对国际学生开放.
  • Madrid Course: 本课程在西班牙马德里校区授课,因此仅限于马德里 students.
  • Micah House Students Only: 本课程仅限于弥迦之家项目的学生.
  • Prof. Studies Students Only: 本课程只限专业学院学生参加. Please contact 专业研究学院了解更多信息.
Meets Requirements Attributes

有些院系会指明该课程所符合的专业要求(例如 博彩网址大全本科历史专业的现代欧洲要求). Other attributes you may encounter include:

  • Cult Div: Global Citizenship: 该课程满足了艺术和科学核心的全球公民要求 curriculum.
  • Cult Div: Diversity in the US:  This class fills the Diversity in the U.S. requirement for the Arts and Sciences' core curriculum.
  • Film Studies: This class will count toward the film studies minor. You do not need to be in that program to take this course.
  • International Studies: 这门课将计入国际研究专业. You do not need to be in that program to take this course.
  • Catholic Studies Program: 这门课将被计入天主教研究辅修课程(正式名称为Manresa) program). 你不需要参加那个项目来上这门课.
  • Women's and Gender Studies: 本课程将计入妇女与性别研究的主修或副修课程. You do not need to be in that program to take this course.
Additional Information
  • 博彩网址大全 Inquiry: Classes are primarily limited to freshmen.
  • Service Learning: The course will include a service component.

博彩网址大全 Building Abbreviations 

  • AHP -联合医疗专业大楼(医疗中心)
  • BBH - Beracha Hall
  • BHM - Boileau Hall
  • BSC - Busch Student Center
  • BRH - Brouster Hall 
  • CAS - Craft Alliance Studio 
  • CGC - Center for Global Citizenship
  • CKH - Cook Hall 
  • DBG - DuBourg Hall 
  • DMH - DeMattias Hall
  • DPH - Des Peres Hall 
  • DSH - Davis-Shaughnessy Hall
  • FTZ - Fitzgerald Hall 
  • GRD - Grand Hall 
  • GRH - Griesedieck Hall 
  • HUB - Adorjan Hall
  • HSEU -埃德温珠峰教育联盟(医疗中心)
  • LEC - Lecture Halls 
  • LKH - Litteken Hall 
  • LRC - Learning Resource Center (Medical Center)
  • MCG - McGannon Hall 
  • MDD - McDonnell-Douglas Hall
  • MOR - Morrissey Hall
  • MSH - Monsanto Hall
  • MWH - Macelwane Hall
  • OLV - Oliver Hall 
  • ONL - O'Neil Hall
  • PML - Pius XII Memorial Library
  • RNT - Reinert Hall
  • RTH - Ritter Hall
  • SCH - Schwitalla Hall (Medical Center)
  • SHA - Shannon Hall 
  • SLC - Scott Hall
  • SLS - Salus Center (Medical Center)
  • SON - Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing (Medical Center)
  • SPR - Spring Hall 
  • TGH -Tegeler Hall
  • WUH - Wuller Hall
  • XVA - Xavier Hall Annex
  • XVH - Xavier Hall 

Common Registration Errors

以下是最常见的注册错误列表. Learn how each problem can be resolved.

一个错误阻止了您的事务的处理. Please inform your registrar that a processing error has occurred.

A system malfunction has occurred. Contact the office of the University registrar 并指定您想要注册的课程.

Adviser Authorization


Classification Error

Your classification (freshman, sophomore, etc.) is restricted from registration in this section. 请与您的指导老师/导师联系,讨论本课程的注册事宜.

Closed Section

课程已满或注册人数已满 the maximum indicated by the department. If no other section is offered, contact the department and request permission to enroll.

Closed Section X

所有可用的交叉列出的部分已达到最大注册人数 course offering. 联系部门并请求注册许可.

College Restriction

大学限制错误表明您可能被限制在此注册 由你所就读的学院决定.

如果您在尝试注册时收到大学错误,请检查建筑物位置 of the course. 如果建筑规范指示SON或AHP,则该球场受到限制 特鲁迪·布希·瓦伦丁护理学院或波西学院的学生. Contact 您的指导老师/导师讨论本课程的注册事宜.

CORQ_(Subject Course #) REQ

有些课程要求你同时注册另一门课程. The course 在错误消息中指出必须注册的.

Dean Authorization


Department Permission


Honors Adviser Permission
Special Approval Required
Level Restriction
您的学生级别限制在此部分注册. Contact your advisor/mentor to discuss registration in this course.
Major Restriction

你的专业不允许在这部分注册. Contact your advisor/mentor to discuss registration in this course.

Link Error

一些讲座,实验和讨论部分相互关联,以确保学生 do not register for one without the other.

  • l#表示您正在尝试注册一个实验或讨论部分,而没有 the appropriate lecture section.
  • b#表示您正在尝试注册讲座,而没有适当的 lab section. Lab section numbers generally range from 36-49.
  • d#表示您正在尝试注册讲座,但没有适当的 discussion section.
PREQ or Test Score Error

你没有达到参加这部分考试的先决条件. Reference 该课程的目录条目,用于查看先决条件并验证您是否具备 indeed met all requirements. 如果有,请联系大学注册办公室 for assistance.

Reserve Closed

此注册错误最常见于该部分是博彩网址大全 Inquiry课程时 (“博彩网址大全 Inquiry”或“SINQ”在课程列表中),仅限于新生和学生 sophomore students.

  • 如果最大博彩网址大全人数= 19,那么该课程允许13名大一学生和6名大二学生 students
  • 如果最大博彩网址大全人数为15人,则该课程允许8名大一学生和7名大二学生.
  • 如果没有提供其他部分,请联系教练并请求他们的许可 to enroll.
You are not permitted to register at this time.
注册是开放的,但你的分类或级别是不开放的 yet allowed to register. See this year’s registration calendar.