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Kenya Brumfield-Young, M.L.S., M.S.C.J.

Assistant Professor; Internship Coordinator
Criminology and Criminal Justice

Courses Taught

Intro to Criminology & Criminal Justice; Juvenile Justice and Delinquency; Race, Ethnicity, and the Criminal Justice System; Ethics in the Administration of Justice; Ethics in Criminal Justice; Internship Seminar; Wrongful Conviction Internship


  • Ph.D. Social Work, St. Louis University (In Progress as of 2022)
  • M.L.S.2014年,桑德拉·戴·奥康纳法学院法学博士
  • M.S., Criminal Justice, Columbia College, 2012
  • B.A., Psychology, Columbia College, 2011
  • B.A., Criminal Justice, Columbia College, 2009

Research Interests

  • Juvenile Delinquency
  • Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
  • Juvenile Justice
  • 青少年长期犯罪行为的风险依赖
  • Exposure to Trauma
  • Crime Policy
  • 种族,民族,性别,性取向和刑事司法系统
  • Court Systems 

Publications and Media Placements

Newspaper Articles

Brumfield-Young, K. (2020, June 30). Black Lives Matter – but Not in Here. The St. Louis American:

Brumfield-Young, K. (2020, August 10). 流行病犯罪率飙升与严厉的犯罪立法相遇. The St. Louis American:


Brumfield-Young, K. (2020, August 21). There's a Reason Why They Call It Juvenile. The Southeast Missourian.


KMOV第四频道,(2022年6月9日)18岁,试图逃离朝鲜时受伤 City youth center:

KMOV第四频道,(2022年6月9日)18岁,试图逃离朝鲜时受伤 City youth center:

KSDK Channel 5, (2022-May-31) Teens escaped St. Louis County juvenile detention center through broken window:

KMOV Channel 4, (2022-January-02) 倡导安全街道的家庭计划新的解决方案来遏制圣. Louis: (previous link) 

KSDK Channel 5, (2021-December-15) I-Team: 4 teens who escaped from St. Louis juvenile center still on the run, previous link: 

KMOV Channel 4, (2021-November-06). 博彩网址大全教授解释说,尽管犯罪率下降,但荷兰镇的居民并不感到安全:

KSDK Channel 5, (2021-November-17). 密苏里州的一项新政策怎么会导致少管所里更多的人逃跑:

KSDK Channel 5, (2021-April-07). Will St. 路易斯当选市长蒂绍拉·琼斯的犯罪威慑计划奏效了? The I-Team asks the experts,

KSDK Channel 5. (2021, April 7). Will St. 路易斯当选市长蒂绍拉·琼斯的犯罪威慑计划奏效了? The I-Team asks the experts. 5 On Your Side:


Professional Organizations and Associations

  • Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, member
  • American Society of Criminology, member
  • Criminal Justice Club – Faculty Liaison
  • Alpha Phi Sigma刑事司法荣誉协会的Gamma Beta分会-分会顾问
  • 关爱儿童- STL -副总裁-董事会
  • St. 路易斯县家庭法院少年拘留替代倡议社区 Collaborative - Member

Community Work and Service

Brumfield-Young教授对社会和刑事司法系统的贡献 is both vast and impactful. 与社区成员密切合作 作为地方和州的政策制定者,她在发展创伤知情方面发挥了重要作用 解决根深蒂固的社会因素的战略和框架 to crime, particularly community trauma. She also works alongside legal teams, affected 家庭和社区伙伴,深入调查错误定罪的问题, 青少年司法政策,以及一系列其他刑事司法问题.

Brumfield-Young教授还参与了康复方面的合作项目 and community safety. 其中一个项目是社区资源和需求筛选 (CRANS) program at the St. Louis Justice Center. This initiative, a collaboration between the St. 圣路易斯城市警察局,博彩网址大全系 职业科学和职业治疗以及综合健康网络 重点是筛选最近被捕的个人. The primary goal is to guide them 提供适当的社区资源,以减少社区受害,再犯, and jail recidivism.

此外,布鲁姆菲尔德-杨教授对青少年司法的兴趣也延伸到了她身上 与当地非营利组织和政府机构建立伙伴关系. Together, they undertake 细致的任务是分析青少年犯罪数据,了解系统的 回应,并解决少数群体的不成比例的代表性 the criminal justice system.

Brumfield-Young教授现任董事会副主席 for Caring for Kids, Inc.根据501(c)3条款注册的非营利组织; 致力于支持圣路易斯市的儿童. Louis and St. Louis County who 由于虐待、忽视或处于危险状况而有紧急的、未满足的需求.  

她也是弗兰斯幼儿学习中心的前任董事会成员 前西北法学院刑事司法2+2项目. The 2+2 program 给了高中生一个独特的机会来为他们的犯罪行为赚取学分 高中时在当地社区大学获得司法学位. As a board 成员,布拉姆菲尔德-杨教授在弥合之间的差距方面发挥了关键作用 高中和高等教育对许多有抱负的年轻学生来说.

通过她多样而重要的贡献,Brumfield-Young教授描绘了 一幅全面处理刑事司法的图景——强调预防, 康复,并致力于社区合作.