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At the Saint Louis University 社会工作学院, we emphasize hands-on, skills-based learning in the classroom, so that 博彩网址大全 students are ready to hit the ground running 当他们完成田野调查的时候.

的 Council on Social Work Education endorses "the role of field education as the 'signature pedagogy' in 社会 work education by promoting, collaborating, recommending and distributing information to 社会 work field educators and related membership 组织."

We collaborate with more than 400 local nonprofits, health care agencies, community 组织 to find the right fit for both the student and the fieldwork supervisor.

学生们在当地学校打工. Two 博彩网址大全 students sit on the floor at the front of a classroom with younger students gathered in a semi-circle.





博彩网址大全的实地教育办公室 works closely with students and agencies to ensure 积极和适当的经验.


  • 检查 野外教官手册(PDF) 为实地教育政策和程序.
  • Complete the required Field Instruction Certification Program for new field instructors.
  • Attend Session One (of six sessions) before taking a student, complete all six 两年内的会议.
  • 完成正在进行的培训要求,继续担任现场教官.
  • 为学生安排介绍会和培训.
  • 作为学生的导师和榜样.
  • Assist the student to select roles, tasks, activities that can be performed at the practicum site that ensure new learning appropriate for the student's program 级别(B.S.S.W. 或米.S.W.).
  • Assist the student to complete his/her Learning Agreement within the first three weeks 本学期的.
  • Meet with the student individually for at least one hour weekly for supervision.
  • Guide the student in integrating practicum experiences and key 社会 work concepts 和方法.
  • 定期评估学生的进步.
  • 与学生和实习联络人会面,进行学期中期实地考察.
  • 定期就学生的表现提供建设性的反馈.
  • 联系 assigned practicum liaison to discuss questions regarding the student's standing in the program, appropriateness for the setting, learning goals, needs and 任何其他可能影响成功实习经验的问题.
  • 在最后的评估中推荐一个“满意”或“不满意”的等级.
  • Complete organizational and field instructor application/renewal paperwork and provide 定期向大学提供最新的信息和合作.
  • Use of the University libraries; contact the 实地教育办公室 访问.
  • 申请学费减免以完成研究生课程. 可要求申请 打电话给实地教育办公室. 申请学费减免的截止日期 are July 1 for a fall 课程; Nov. 1 for a spring 课程; and April 1 for a summer 课程.
  • Receive free CEs for all Field Instructor Certification Program sessions and ongoing 教育会议.
  • Receive a certificate that attests to the field instruction provided to the student at the end 本学期的 that may be used for 社会 work 许可 requirements 继续教育. 每学期授予三个ce,可能适用于密苏里州 许可.
  • Serve on various standing and ad-hoc committees and task forces within the School 社会工作.
我想要更多的学生. 我如何向学生推销我的机构?
  • 学生通过结构化的自我选择过程选择实习地点. 学生 meet with their assigned practicum liaison to generate ideas, interview with sites 选择一个为他们提供机会的网站.
  • 学生 learn about sites through flyers posted on our practicum board on the second floor of the 社会工作学院, our internal Google practicum web page and the 合作网站. 欢迎代理商发送一页的广告传单 their opportunities to the School for posting on the bulletin board and Google site.
  • 兼职米.S.W. 学生和一些B。.S.S.W. 学生需要晚上和周末的时间 为了他们的实践. 如果你的机构可以提供晚上和周末的时间,请分享 实地教育办公室的信息.
  • 学生完成300小时的实习. 实习必须在 最少10周,最多20周. 因此,学生必须完成 每周15到30小时.
  • B.S.S.W. 学生在同一地点完成两个学期,共480学时. M.S.W. 没有高级学分的学生必须在三节课内完成900学时 学期. 这三门300小时的实习包括一个学期的通才水平的实习 experience and two 学期 at one site in the concentration level (600 hours total).
  • All students may start a practicum as early as two weeks before the start of a semester 并有10-20周的时间来完成实习. 然而,学校社会工作 settings typically require an all-day commitment of three to five days per week for 整个学年. 对于所有的实践,学生的指导和培训都是重要的 算上实习总学时.
With field instructor permission, students may count any hours off-site that are prearranged, such as teaching, home visits, outreach, working in a branch/affiliated facility, attending a conference or workshop or other activities for which accountability is 组织到活动中. 希望从事非结构化活动的学生 off-site, such as conducting research on the Internet or in the library, working on a project at home, or other similar activities, should seek the permission of the 活动前的现场指导员. 此外,这些时间的责任应该 be expected, such as a written or verbal report of accomplishments during that time. A maximum of 30 hours may be counted for unstructured, off-site activities unless 由实习联络员预先批准.
Ongoing constructive feedback to students about their progress is very important. If significant problems occur, field instructors can consider developing a written 计划提高绩效. 如果在书面计划完成后挑战仍在继续 成熟的实地教官被要求与实习联络人进行协商. 实习 liaisons are available for consultation, to create special contracts for the student, 在极端情况下,可以考虑让学生退学. 沟通 between the site and the practicum liaison is important in challenging situations.
学生 should not dispense medication, physically restrain clients, or lobby as a representative of the University (students are encouraged to engage in advocacy 作为实习机构的代表). 此外,学生可能不会“拿” a break" from their practicum except for regular holidays and Spring Break, without 实习联络审批. 遇到阻碍他们的个人问题的学生 完成实习后应咨询实习联络人. 禁止任何 significant, unforeseen circumstances, students should plan to complete their scheduled 在允许的10至20周内连续实习.
Our site requires background checks and a drug test, but cannot do it for the student. 学生是如何处理这些问题的?
学生 may incur the costs for criminal background checks, abuse background checks, 根据现场要求进行结核病或药物测试. 的 注册处 能否安排背景测试. 的 大学学生健康处 可以协助其他可能需要的医学检查吗.
什么是任务指导员? 他们是怎么做的?
任务指导员是基于代理的指导员,他不具备M.S.W. 学位 和/或有两年硕士后工作经验.S.W. 有工作经验的人或没有被他们雇用过的人 代理一年. 任务指导员要么拥有M.S.W.,却不相逢 requirements to be a qualified field instructor, or they possess a master's 学位 在相关领域. 当机构无法胜任时,使用合格的任务指导员 提供合格的.S.W. 负责学生监督的员工和M.S.W. 社会 worker who is affiliated, but not employed by, the agency, provides the field instruction 每周监督(M.S.W. (仅限学生).