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现代语言与跨文化交际.A. (Madrid)

这是美国大学开设的首个此类专业.S. 大学,并已发展起来 应我们学生的要求. 它针对的是那些对……有激情的人 languages and culture and as a complementary major for those who would like to enhance their communicative skills and career opportunities in an international setting.

Plurilingual and pluricultural competence is essential in today’s globalized society because artificial intelligence can translate words and phrases to express basic ideas, but it cannot help you establish relationships and friendships across cultures.



现代语言与跨文化交际.A. is an undergraduate major, the fruit of a lengthy collaboration between the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures in St. 路易斯和ESL系,现代语言和教育 in Madrid. It consists of 32 credits that include three foreign languages, linguistics and intercultural communication classes, and a practicum experience abroad or in a 外语占主导地位的语境. 它更广泛,更实用 than a pure language major and is designed to complement other majors.

Knowledge of other languages and cultures is important to a growing variety of professions, and this major is targeted at students who realize the need to learn more than one foreign language and also to use effective communication skills when speaking to people from other cultures. 此外,雇主也会寻找能够参与其中的毕业生 in multiple languages in culturally 适当的方法来推进他们的业务目标. 

该专业可以在大街上完成. 或者通过课程学习 on both campuses depending on what languages students wish to pursue: for example, Arabic and Portuguese are only offered in Madrid and Chinese, German and Russian are only offered in St. Louis. 我们开设这个专业的目的是鼓励学生动起来 between the campuses and to facilitate the fulfillment of the Billiken Promise. 

你也可以选择在圣. 路易斯校区或者我们的 peer AAICU institutions.

For information about the assessment of student learning in this program, please see the University-wide website.

Curriculum Overview

The Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages and Intercultural Communication from 博彩网址大全-Madrid requires the completion of a minimum of 120 hours of coursework, including 32 credits in the major.


Students must complete 18 credit hours of language instruction and demonstrate proficiency 用三种不同的语言:

  • Proficiency in Language 1 可以通过以下任何一项证明:
    • 在3xxx或更高级别完成6个学分.
    • ACTFL中级以上成绩.
    • Achievement of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) B2 or higher. 
  • Proficiency in Language 2 可以通过以下任何一项证明:
    • 在2xxx/3xxx或更高级别完成6个学分.

    • ACTFL成绩中等或以上.

    • Achievement of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) B1 or higher.

  • Proficiency in Language 3 可以通过以下任何一项证明:
    • 在1xxx或更高级别完成6个学分.

    • ACTFL初中级或以上成绩.

    • Achievement of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) A2 or higher.


  • cmm3300跨文化交际


  • 语言学导论

Intercultural Requirement (3 credit hours; choose any one of the following)

  • 现代语言和跨文化能力
  • ANTH 2200文化人类学
  • PSY 4270跨文化心理学

Elective Course (3 credit hours; choose any one of the following)

  • ARTH 2140 -伊斯兰艺术与社会
  • ARTH 2320 -非洲侨民的艺术
  • 艺术与政治:从戈雅到冷战
  • ARTH 4810 -拉丁美洲现代艺术
  • cmm3840大众文化分析
  • CMM 4460 - Global Media
  • 舞蹈2650西班牙舞:弗拉门戈
  • DANC 2660 Latin Dance
  • 第二语言习得
  • 英语2750电影、文化与文学
  • 英语3500后殖民世界文学
  • 国际商务中的文化差异
  • 音乐1170 -世界文化的音乐
  • POLS 1510发展中国家的政治
  • POLS 1600国际政治概论
  • POLS 2520非洲政治概论
  • POLS 2570拉丁美洲政治概论
  • POLS 2590中东和北非政治
  • SPAN 4790 Spanish Culture & Civilization 1


  • 跨文化经验反思 

Practicum experience approval is a prerequisite or co-requisite for enrolling in LLC 4500. Students will need to provide evidence of the practicum experience to the instructor 获得教练批准注册.


Languages 1, 2 and 3

Once students have fulfilled the 18-credit language requirement and have completed (or validated by way of an official language certificate) a first foreign language at a 3xxx + level, a second foreign language at a 2xxx + level, and a third foreign language at a 1xxx + level, then the program director will check this non-course requirement.


The program director/coordinator will check this non-course requirement once a student 有完成实习的证据吗. Examples of approved 实习经历包括以下内容:

  • A study abroad experience that lasts a minimum of five weeks in a country where one 学生的目标语言中有一门是被使用的.
  • A semester-long service learning/community-based project or internship conducted predominantly 在学生的目标语言之一.

Students wanting to undertake practicum experiences not listed here must obtain prior 项目主管/协调员的批准.


The B.A. in Modern Languages and Intercultural Communication opens doors to opportunities all over the world. Graduates are prepared to work in a variety of contexts that require interaction at an international level, whether in diplomacy, business, the United Nations or education. 

More and more employers seek graduates who can engage in multiple languages in culturally 适当的方法来推进他们的业务目标. “劳动力所需的技能 are shifting rapidly. 雇主们寻找的大学毕业生不仅有 the latest hard skill training, but also possess soft skills such as communication, 解决问题和协作. 为了让学生为长期的事业成功做好准备, colleges and universities must ensure their degrees and curricular experiences align 随着就业前景数据和市场需求的变化." (Hanover Research, Top 2023年应届毕业生必备技能. 


Quality teaching and a passion for language and culture are the foundations of the department. 我们不只是谈论卓越. 我们每学期从学生那里得到的评价, 证明卓越的交付.

Along with enacting day-by-day devotion to teaching, we are committed to being active 创造者、学者、语言学家,尤其是教育家.

Tuition and Fees

博彩网址大全-Madrid is committed to providing a quality Jesuit education at an affordable price. Tuition rates at the Madrid Campus are approximately 40% lower than at comparable 美国的私立大学.S.

If you have questions or would like to speak with a financial aid officer, email us at

Admission to the Major

要想进入这个专业,你的成绩至少要达到2分.00 cumulative average and 填写一份主要形式的声明,可在 Office of the Registrar. 一旦被录取,你将被分配一个 departmental advisor.

Continuation Standards

A grade of "C" or better is required in every course counting for the major. Students who do not achieve the "C" or better grade in any required course for the major will be expected to repeat the course in an attempt to achieve the "C" or better grade. 学生可以重修必修课一次. 没有达到“C”的学生 or better grade after one repeat attempt will not be permitted to complete the major.

Graduation Requirements


  • Have at least a 2.00 cumulative average, a 2.专业平均分00分,2分.00 average 辅修或相关选修课.
  • Complete 26 of your final 32 credits at Saint Louis University (either the Madrid or St. Louis campus).
  • 完成所有非学分要求.
  • Submit the online application for the degree before the beginning of the semester 你打算在哪个专业毕业.

Real-World Experience

Our students can communicate relatively fluently in two or three languages and have 至少是另一个的概念.

More importantly, they have the knowledge and tools to communicate effectively and 在其他文化环境中茁壮成长. 这些技能为他们提供了工作的基础 internationally as successful businesspeople, health workers, educators or in any 他们选择的其他领域.

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