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Faculty Research



你有没有想过马德里大学的教师们都在研究什么? 我们会帮你的.

  • Data:数据的方法论,讨论和度量的创建.
  • Economics:商业周期,货币政策,中央银行,自然利率.
  • 财务与会计:国际公司金融、公司治理、银行业、资本 结构决策,金融系统,可持续金融,商业可持续性 管理,企业性别多样性,非财务信息披露和 Earnings Management.
  • Marketing:分销渠道、电子商务、品牌、价值共创、客户体验 Consumer Behavior.
  • Anthropology: Archaeology of the Southern Levant and the Mediterranean; Archaeology of the Bronze Age; Archaeology of the Iron Age; Pottery Studies; Ancient Mediterranean Cultural Relations; Visigothic Archaeology; Assimilation and Acculturation; Medieval Spain and "Convivencia;" Anthropocene.
  • Art History: 20世纪西班牙与美国艺术、艺术与政治、博物馆研究、 跨大西洋艺术交流,20世纪拉丁美洲艺术,墨西哥学派, 文化冷战.
  • Classical Languages神话中音乐与想象地理的比较研究——以古代神话为例 希腊语,拉丁语,斯拉夫语和梵语的来源. 
  • Communication:媒体与政治、国际电影、电影导演、电影亚文化、媒体观众、 公共演讲,话语分析,跨文化交际,交际民族志.
  • ESL,现代语言与教育:系统功能语言学、TESOL、视觉素养、双语教育、公平 在CLIL,语言发展,方法论和葡语文学教学 葡萄牙语作为外语,当代葡萄牙语和巴西文学 (2000年至今),后殖民和法语文学,妇女和性别问题, 异国情调,音乐在课堂上的应用和乐器制作,伊拉克 民俗和哈桑·穆特拉克的作品.
  • History:伊比利亚、拉丁美洲和美国.S. 历史,中世纪伊比利亚,犹太人和皈依者,中世纪 旅行者,中世纪西班牙的共存(穆斯林,犹太人和基督徒),皈依者 近代早期西班牙的摩里斯科人西班牙宗教裁判所西班牙内战 20世纪伊比利亚的无政府主义运动,跨大西洋研究. 当代宗教 America.
  • History: Canaanite, Phoenician, and Israelite History; Medieval Spain and Medieval Mediterranean; Mendicants Orders; Origins of National Identities; Early Iberian Presence in Asia; Medieval Travels and Explorations; Early Modern Spain, Early Modern Atlantic World; the Spanish Inquisition; Catholic Reform; Religious Minorities; Acculturation; Early Modern Science, Medicine, and Healing; Contemporary Spanish History; Biography; Social Movements; Social History; Social and Political Violence; Anarchist/Anarcho-Syndicalist History; the Spanish Civil War; the Balkans; the 20th Century; Contemporary American History; Christian Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism; Religious Sects and Cults in the United States.
  • Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy; Plato; Socratic Schools and Hellenistic Philosophy; Kierkegaard; Husserl; Metaphysics; Analytical Metaphysics; Ethics; Theory of Action; Philosophy of Religion; Political Philosophy; Phenomenology; Hermeneutics; Religion & Science; Existential Philosophy; Philosophy of Sex, Sexuality, and Gender; Philosophy of Mind; Ordinary Language Philosophy; Logic and Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Psychology; Philosophy of Social Science; Philosophy of Cognitive Science; Philosophy of Time; Social Philosophy; Latin American Philosophy; the Ideology of the Cuban Revolution, 当代哲学,本体论,后虚无主义,早期希腊思想.
  • Political Science:美国外交政策,古巴公民社会,气候变化,美国的地缘政治 中东和北非地区,当代关键危机,政治演变和拉丁公民社会 美国,国际关系体系的变迁,世界经济结构的变化 香港的公民社会.
  • Psychology:成瘾,态度与说服,儿童心理学,临床心理学,创造力, 情绪调节,健康心理学,心理健康服务,认知行为 采购产品治疗,综合心理治疗,心理剧,第三代治疗,社会 影响与孤独.
  • Spanish: Hispanic Linguistics; Variation Linguistics; Applied Linguistics; Language Contact; Interfaces Between Pronunciation, Grammar and Discourse; Latin American Narrative, and 20th-21st century Latin American Literature; Fantastic Literature; Colombian Narrative; Representation of Violence in Colombian Literature; Trauma; Latin American Poetry; Peruvian Poetry; Blanca Varela; Spanish Poetry; Poetry Written By Women; Spanish Civil War, and Latin America; Translation Studies; Comics, and Feminism; Contemporary Spanish Theater; Literature of the Republican Exile of 1939; 20th and 21st century Iberian 文化与性别研究的重点.
  • Theology: History of the Religion of Ancient Israel; Deuteronomistic History; New Testament; New Testament Textual Criticism; New Testament Apocrypha; Linguistics and New Testament Greek; Socio-Scientific reading of the Bible; Missiological Reading of the Bible; History of Early Judaism; History of Early Christianity; Theology/Bible and Media; Fundamental Theology; Systematic Theology; Dogmatic Theology; Theology and Metaphysics in Western Civilization; Latin Patristics; Late Ancient and Medieval Theology and Philosophy; Moral Theology; Bioethics (Assisted Suicide); Social Justice and the Bible; 研究方法与设计.
  • Biology:天体生物学、火星生命、生物技术、太阳系殖民.
  • Computer Science:数值方法,多尺度分析,行星科学应用,超高速 影响,高应变率模拟,社交网络,机器学习应用, 数据挖掘和知识发现.
  • Earth Science:环境责任行为,气候素养,气候行动,经验 学习,高影响力的学习.
  • Engineering:星际介质,物理数据和过程,天文仪器, 系统工程,人工智能,设计思维,计算机视觉,高级 机器人,远程实验室,光学光子学,火星风传感器,空间结构, 计算流体力学,低温学,热控制,分析与设计 空间结构,固体与流体力学,有限元,动力分析,流体结构 相互作用,激光测距仪,激光大气遥感,激光诱导 击穿光谱(LIBS), LIBS在水中重金属监测中的应用,固态; 和气体激光技术,前端快速放大电子.
  • Mathematics:代数、实代数几何、复变分析、几何函数理论、负数 曲线空间、图论、分数阶微积分、矩阵论、矩阵多项式、 多数化,条件数和向后错误,双谱问题,数值 Linear Algebra.
  • Natural Sciences:文化景观中的环境变化,拉丁美洲的可持续发展, 沿海生态系统的环境管理,保护生物学和可持续性 in Africa.
  • Public Health:食物环境、城市环境、心血管风险因素、卫生不公平; 社会流行病学,城市卫生.


Sabbatical Leaves










隶属于外部研究团体的学院获得了公共和私人的资助 institutions.
